Chapter 18

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Haw The next day

I woke up feeling a bit more refreshed than usual. The tears that I cried helped me sleep more, and better.

Although Shawn made sure to hold me all last night I still couldn't stop thinking of the hurtful things that was said about the things that were said about me. It was kind of sad but I'm fine now.

Since it's 12 in the afternoon I decided I would cook Shawn and I some food. I know he isn't up but I already know when I start cooking, and he smells the food he's gonna wake up.

I was only making bacon, eggs, and pancakes. He loves my pancakes though...I don't know why he loves them so much but he does.

I began getting out the pan for the food. Since I was only making things that I needed a pan for I decided to just use the same pan.

Cooking the pancakes first, bacon, and then the eggs.

Lucky for me I still had extra pancake batter from making pancakes earlier in the week. Once the pan was hot I began pouring the pancake batter in it. It normally took about 5 minutes to really cook on one side.

Just like I thought within 10 minutes of me cooking Shawn was coming up behind me hugging my waist, and kissing on my neck.

I smiled before turning around and kissing his lips.

"Wassup Baby!" He said burning the hell out of my nose!

"Shit babe! Go brush your damn teeth burning my damn nose and shit!" I spoke grabbing my nose and groaning

He sucked his teeth before backing off

"You ain't have to do all that Beyoncé."

"Just because your breath stink don't mean you should be calling me by my's baby to you!" I spoke sternly yet playfully

"Man whatever!" He spoke walking out of the kitchen while I giggled before putting the pancakes on our plates gen getting the bacon out.

With Shawn's step father coming over later I knew I was going to have to dust the house a bit. I'm glad it's not a lot of work to do since we clean up after ourselves.

I was actually excited to formally meet his step father since I didn't get to last night. He seemed very nice but I'm still not all the way sure.

"Ok baby! The food is ready come on!" I called out to Shawn.

"Ok I'm coming!" He called back

I placed our plates on the table, and took out two cups taking out the orange juice pouring some in both cups as he began walking back into the kitchen.

"Yes! We're getting orange juice today!" He did a dance and I giggled closing the bottle putting it back in the fridge.

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