Chapter 10

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"Your God father is outside." My mom said as me and my dad as he helped me with my last question on my homework sheet.

"We know he texted dad." I told her and she nodded her head

"How's that play?" Dad asked me

I shrugged my shoulders then nodded my head "it's good actually I can't wait for you guys to see it!" I cheesed

"Oh! Matthew why the other day she was On The phone with Shawn and I walked in and thought she had called Shawn baby but they were going over her lines!" My mom busted out laughing and so did my dad and I.

"What we laughing at?" We heard and it was Shawn

"Hey God daddy!" I smiled

"Hey Bey, hey T, hey Matt!"


"Hey and about the other day I apologize for what I said."

"Oh it's fine!" He laughed and sat on my bed

"Ok well your done with homework it's not due till Monday and Shawn she doesn't have school tomorrow."

"Alright cool." He nodded

"We should go to kings dominion!" I said

He nodded

"Ok we can go to a hotel close to it tonight. So pack some clothes." He said

"Ok!" I said and he got up and walked out with Matthew

"Yes yes yes! King's dominion here I come!" I whispered while my mother stood there

I ran into my closet and grabbed a weekends worth of clothes then my bating suits but only like three of them. I laid them all out on my bed and began making outfits and packing them up.

"Well I see your going to be busy this weekend."

"Ugh yes! I can't wait I haven't been to kings dominion in literal years I'm so excited!"

"How come you haven't asked?"

"Well I figured y'all didn't have the money."

"True but we would've found a way for you to go."

"Well it's fine! I'm going now mommy and plus it wasn't a priority on my list." I shrugged zipping up my back.

"Ok Baby we'll have fun ok?" My mom said kissing my forehead

"Ok I love you mom!"

"I love you more baby!"

I smiled and began walking away down the steps to hear my father and Shawn talking in the living room

"Hey guys! God daddy I'm ready whenever you are!"


" y'all go head and get out of here y'all got a long way to go."

"Bye daddy see you Sunday!"

"See you Sunday I love you."

"I love you too." I said giving him a hug and he also kissed my forehead I smiled and we walked out

"Here let me get your bag so I can put it in the trunk!"

I handed him my bag and he put it in the trunk and we walked to the front of the car and hopped in.

We did eventually pull off and began listening to music. When we were a good distance from the house he grabbed my hand and kissed it. I smiled at him and kissed his lips.

My godfather and meWhere stories live. Discover now