Chapter 15

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Two days later

After everything that had happened on the boat my mother still hasn't bothered to talk to me. Since moving all of my things in with Shawn I don't go to my parents house for anything. I still going to talk to my father frequently though.  At least that's what he promised me the day I finished moving my things from their house to Shawn's. Between him coming over to Shawn's house, or us meeting up somewhere, him picking me up from school sometimes, and Shawn dropping me off at his work I should see him enough in the future.

I'm not going to lie and say not talking to my father at night before I go to sleep isn't getting to me but I will have to grow out of that anyways because I was going to move out eventually.

Right now I'm at the last rehearsal for this play that I'm in. It's called no way home. Basically it's about a girl who got separated from her lover and can't find a way home to him.

(A/N: I don't know if I mentioned earlier what play she was doing but if I did I'm changing it.)

With it only being two more months before we perform and this is our last rehearsal 7 crew members quit within the last week. 3 actors quit within the time span of yesterday's rehearsal and today. I internally groaned because I now have like two more parts added with my main character. But shit if Tori from Victorious can do it...then so can I.

I mean I'm not going to lie though I don't really want to do this play anymore. But I would feel bad for leaving when I was given the most important part in the whole story. It's just he makes it harder for us to keep up because he doesn't want us to learn in our own manner, he doesn't want our help to memorize anything. He's making us frustrated and angry.

"Beyoncé it's your scene stand here." He pointed across the room

"Mr. Dixon I thought you wanted me to stand here?" I asked genuinely confused

"Beyoncé if your going to be giving me lip then you will not be in this play!" He yelled at me and  I frowned

"Do you really think you can afford to kick me off?" I raised my eyebrow

"Not to sound conceited but three actors already need the rest of us, it's not our fault you don't remember where you wanted us but we do so why don't you ask for help instead of taking your frustrations out on us that you put yourself through!" I yelled back and everyone agreed with me

He sighed and shook his head "you know what! Your right but I don't need your help because I'm calling off the damn play! Wanna talk back Fine find someone else to do this!" He yelled throwing the papers down and walking off stage

"Well it was your idea! And it was dumb anyways! We didn't wanna do it anymore!" A girl called behind him and he groaned storming out of the auditorium and we all laughed

I grabbed my things "Welp everyone I would say it was nice working with you but he made me miserable." I said and everyone laughed

"We should hang out sometimes." One of the boys suggested

"I'm down." I shrugged and everyone agreed and we all exchanged numbers and names as we walked through the school to go outside. I mean since we were staying after school hours he should've took more shit into consideration and not mistreat us.

Once we were outside we all decided instead of calling our rides we would wait for the usual time and get to know each other. I'm glad Im actually making friends at my school besides Kelly, I won't feel as left out anymore. Also when Kelly is hanging with her other friends I won't be sitting there looking lonely and stupid.

1 hour later

Shawn was the first to pull up. I didn't know because I was so busy talking and laughing with Justin, and Britney.

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