Chapter 22

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A few hours into the trip

After waking up from their nap, both Bey and Shawn felt much better. They didn't know what they wanted to do yet but they did know they were very hungry.

Shawn had already planned out what they were going to do ahead of time so he had her shower and get dressed. He made calls to make sure the date was still on and they could just get there and eat.

"Babe!" He called from the living room

"Yea?!" She yelled back

"Hurry up we're gonna be late!"

"You say that all the time and we're always on time hush up!" She giggled and he sighed shaking his head sitting down on the couch.

He knew she was gonna take forever so he was gonna have to chill.

1 hour later

"Babe!" She shook him. He jumped up and looked at her before looking at his watch.

"Really ma? An hour?" He asked and she shrugged her shoulders before sliding on her shoes.

"You look beautiful though baby

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"You look beautiful though baby."
He said after he sighed and she blushed kissing him on the lips before standing up.

"Ok let's go I'm ready now." She smiled and he rolled his eyes.

"I took a whole fucking nap and I wasn't even tired." He groaned.

"Well get over it Shawn. I'm ready now so come on." Bey said and he sucked his teeth but followed her outside.

They got on the boat that was waiting for them and began heading to their destination. On the way there they cuddled and talked to each other about any and everything. Just riding together, it was moments like this that made them want to stay together forever.

Soon they arrived and they walked together towards their dinner area.

"Bey..." he breathed out.

When he looked at her she was blushing like crazy with a small smile on her face.

Beyoncé had pulled a reverse card, and surprised Shawn with dinner. She had figured out his plan ahead of time and switched it up.

There was a candle lit walkway, with a black carpet, and a white arch with flowers standing over the carpet.

"Mama how did you do this? When did you have the time?" He asked hugging her, picking her up.

"When you were sleep." She giggled "I wasn't getting ready the whole time." She said and he kissed her lips.

"Thank you baby." He smiled grabbing her hand and began walking towards the table. He slid out her chair and helped her sit down, then went to his seat.

Shawn finally was able to look around him and he was awfully amazed. There was water all over the place, and they were on a boardwalk in the middle of it. With decorations of his favorite colors all over the place.

"Baby this is amazing." He smiled at her and she blushed looking at him.

"I'm happy I surprised you!" She smiled at him as he softly grabbed her hand.

"What made you do this?" He asked and she shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know. I just wanted to do something more more for you. You're always doing things that makes me happy and I don't do anything. I mean I know this isn't a lot but-"

"Baby it's the thought that counts." He spoke leaving in kissing her then her hand with the biggest and brightest smile on his face.

"Well let's eat." She smiled and they lifted the tops off of their food.

"Babe this is my favorite food." He smiled at her

"I know love that's why I picked it." She giggled and they began eating.

Sometime after dinner

After dinner they took a boat ride around the town, Shawn had his arm wrapped around Bey's waist as she leaned on his shoulder. She smiled at him as they relaxed.

Bey sighed softly and looked up at him. He looked down at her and kissed her lips.

She yawned and stretched her arms out and closed her eyes.

"You tired?" He asked and she nodded her head.

"We can go back to the tel if you want." He shrugged

"It's ok babe you're having fun just give me a few minutes." She mumbled

"Babe it's fine I'm tired myself, we can head back." He said and she nodded her head.

"Hey can we head back now?" Shawn asked and the boat driver nodded his head.

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