Chapter 19

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Continuation from last chapter

"Yes babe we are getting orange juice today!" I giggled as I put the bottle in the fridge

I sat down and we said grace before we began eating and talking about the plans of today.

"So my pops is coming over today?"

"Babe you know this why are you asking?" I frowned

"No babe I'm asking you how you feel about it." He laughed and so did I.

"Oh....well hopefully it turns out better than it did with your mom. I'm a bit excited to actually meet him and talk this time without being belittled because she thinks I'm not good enough for you." I told him and he nodded his head

"Yea and speaking on my mothers subject part...she texted me late last night when you were sleep apologizing for her behavior...I told her she would have to talk to you when you were ready to talk because what she said was definitely out of line." He spoke and I nodded my head

"She did say she didn't mean to say any of those things."

"I mean if she didn't mean to say it...she still meant those things she just didn't mean to say it out loud." I said with my eyebrow raised

"That's true, and I didn't think about that." He mumbled

"Look babe here is the thing...I'm not expecting her to like me out of nowhere...I'm also not expecting her to not think negative about me. But I don't like the fact she sat there and spoke on it instead of acting like and adult and keeping it in." I told him

"I get that babe, and I do understand why you are upset. So if you don't want to meet up with her, at anything I left that up to you." He spoke before kissing my head and picking his fork up again and I smiled

We finished eating before we both showered and got dressed.

"Ok do you know what you want us to cook for dinner?" He asked

We were currently lotioning down, and looking for an outfit to wear. We decided matching would be fun.

"No but I know I want some I may do some dumplings, egg rolls, seaweed and rice, sushi, and salmon and do enough where we get full...unless he likes actual cooked meals?"

"It would be a good idea to do seaweed and rice, dumplings, and sushi for a starter meal."

"Ok then salmon, and rice with spinach for dinner?"

"Yes thats better!" He said

"Ooo but I kind of want crab legs?"

"Or a whole seafood boil?" He added

"Oh yes ok let's do that instead."

"So to the wharf we go!" He laughed and so did I.

(A/N: for those of you who don't know what that is the wharf is basically a area on the shore that has restaurants, and maybe a few rides, and where they sell seafood. Some of them may have lil shows and stuff at night.)

A few hours later

Coming back home with all of the food we brought I was exhausted. I knew I had to at least a start on the finger foods before I took a nap so I washed my hands and began preparing to make the finger foods with Shawn.

He basically begged me to help so I was just like whatever...anyways when I was done washing my hands I went back to the kitchen to see Shawn washing his hands in the sink.

I was going to try to scare him but he spoke up.

"Don't bother trying to scare me I can smell your sweet scent." He spoke

"Damn..." I mumbled but he heard her and belted out a hearty laugh.

I giggled and walked up to him kissing his cheek then pulling out the finger foods.

"Ok so change of plans?" He said

"What is it?"

"He's coming in like an hour so we have to get started on the seafood right after we finish the finger foods." he spoke and I sighed

"Ok that's fine I guess." I shrugged and he nodded kissing my head

Next chapter his dad will be here.

Lunameliza 😘 next time the chapter will be longer

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