I guess I'm poetic.

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In English the other day we had to do an activity. We were to close out eyes and envision the "perfect summer day with our 'special someone.'" So I did as I was told and closed my eyes. My teacher told us to write about it. There was a chart that he had passed out earlier. The last question asked to "describe that 'special someone', in three bullet points, without saying their name." So I wrote:
• unparalleled
• breath taking
• I saw galaxies in their eyes when others just saw a wall of ocean blue.
Then he told us to share with the people at our tables. I'm the only girl at my table so I was kind of cringing about this. I went last and said what I had written, out loud with my head down and not making eye contact with anyone. And the guy across from me remarked differently than I thought he would. He said, "That was extremely poetic. Don't be embarrassed about it. It was really good."
So I mean, I guess I'm poetic.

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