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I know I write about one specific boy an awful lot,
but that doesn't mean that I go about dating him.

The purpose of dating: to find someone to marry.

So tell me, why do people date in middle school?

You're not looking for twelve year old husbands,
{sorry to burst your bubble} but you most likely won't marry your sixth or seventh grade boyfriend.

You'll find different traits that you like,
you'll want to try different things,
you'll be more mature when you're older.

In young relationships it's often not about the significant other's personality;
It's about their looks,
how they make you look when you're with others,
what they do {to you, or activities},
or even just as simple as because they pay attention to you.

When you date someone, you're giving part of yourself to that person.

And when you don't marry that person, part of you will be with someone else.

Every kiss, every sexual encounter, every relationship will effect the partner as much as it does to you.

Girls, in this day and age, go from boyfriend to boyfriend without having a legitimate reason other than, "Well, I mean he pays attention to me, and he says that he likes me."

Don't you see it?

You're giving yourself up.

I'm not saying that every relationship is going to be disastrous,
but if you don't see a future with this person, do not start dating them.

{I've only "dated" one guy.
And we didn't do anything
(physically, we talked and stuff and went on "dates" but that was about it.) and honestly, I'm so glad that nothing happened.
Sure, I was disappointed in the moment that nothing had happened.
but now looking back on it,
I'm very happy}

When you get to marriage down the road
(no matter how far that is for some of us),
you're going to want to give your whole heart to this person if you truly love them. Not just "what's left if it."

It's like pouring water from one cup to another.

You, are the water.

The two cups are relationships that you are entering and exiting.

If you have a large bowl under the spot when you do this you will catch water,
this water is the effort that you put into relationships before they even start.

If you transfer the remaining water to only one cup,
and look in the second,
you can see that water remaining.
This water is the effort you spent
trying to get things back to a friendship state after your "breakup".

At the end of this,
you won't have very much water left,
that's not what you want to give to someone that you truly and utterly love.

The purpose of dating: to find someone to marry.

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