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At the beginning, everything was so- so real.
And now, honestly, I don't know what happened.
Your words have stayed the same, but the feeling, for me, has changed.
Everything you say is so heartfelt, and honest, and pure.
And I don't know how to tell you.
I don't want to drag you along.
I want you to be as happy as you can be.
I don't feel the butterflies anymore.
I don't feel the emotion in your words anymore.
I- I just don't know why it doesn't feel real now.
When we started talking, you acted the same, in person and texting.
And now, as our relationship (easiest way to put it) has progressed, you text so passionately, yet when we talk in person,, your face is as hard as stone.
I don't know what happened, but it doesn't feel real anymore.

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