
36 3 0

I don't say what I think.

Somethings bother me, and I don't say anything about them.

I should be more confident and more accepting of myself, but I really can't.

I can't tell people how I feel about them, without them being freaked out that a girl wants their number after only 25 minutes of knowing each other.

I can't tell people how I feel, even now, when we have been friends for at least three years.

I'm not stupid, I can see that you were looking at him like that. And one of our friends said something about it too.

It hurt, but I still hadn't said anything.

Sometimes when the crab tries to expand itself and break free, the shell doesn't crack, but the crab bruises instead.

It's for the best.

Hermits should be with hermits, and the jellyfish with the jellyfish.

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