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(Yes, I'm aware that this is the fourth piece titled love.)
I've only ever truly loved one boy.
And I still love him today.
Because if you love someone, truly love someone, you won't stop loving them.
I think he still loves me too.
I know his mom does.
(That may sound weird)
But, she really cares about me, and so does his sister.
His younger brother, closest in age to him, talks to me about Pokemon, and I pretend I understand.
But I can talk to him about power rangers all the time.
Anyways, back to the topic at hand.
You're my best friend, and I don't want to mess anything up telling you that I love you again.
Last time I said it, the first time, you weren't taken back or anything, you said it right back to me.
I love your family.
I really hope that we can go to the gym over the summer, I want to show you how much my squat improved. (I can now squat 5 pounds less than my body weight. I'll get there. I promise.)
I want to go to cute places with you.
And your brothers grad party.
Last year, at your sister's graduation party I came over in a skirt, a nice shirt, and flats.
We ended up playing basketball, and laid on your couch with you until everyone else left.
I helped you clean up afterwards, and you walked me home, I only live down the street, but it was fun.
You're great, your family's great, and you make me feel special still.
I still love you.
And you're the only boy that I've truly loved.

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