MIGG: Twenty Four

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To my lovely dearest,

Happy, Happy Birthday, Jisu-yah. I know I've been busy for the past few days but I'm actually preparing about something. I'm preparing for the perfect surprise for you. The surprise already happened once you received this letter so I'm fine with it. Definitely not a spoiler.

Anyway, I am going to confess to you a few things here in this letter so bare with me.

First, I've met you at this country club exactly 7 months ago. You sang Harry Styles' Falling, remember? If you don't remember, it's okay. It might not be so special for you but it was for me. Because the first time I saw your face, I knew I would be a sucker to that eye smile of yours. I already knew that I wanted to get to know you. But I wasn't lucky. As I was about to walk towards your direction, Yuna stopped me. And the moment I turned my attention on you again, you already left the vicinity.

I think about it for a few days. The way you sang was a God sent music. I remember dreaming of you the night after I saw you and I couldn't get rid of that stupid grin ever since when I'm thinking about you. It might sound stupid but, I felt this kind of drawn to you the first time I laid my eyes on you.

PS. The first thing I saw to you was your back when you were arguing with Yeji because you didn't want to sing in front of those unfamiliar people.

Secondly, remember the property that I was so obsessed with and saving every penny of my project just to buy it? Well, I've already bought it. I wanted to bring you there first before anyone else. The place where I grew up. It was my old home. When my mother died, my father sold it without asking for anyone's permission.

It was my mom's. Every bit of my memories with her was stored in there. So you understand why it means so much to me, right? Yuna even told me to just buy another house but I don't want anything other than that. I promised myself, my grandparents and my mom that I'm going to take care of it.

I want to give it to myself as a gift. And my hard work paid off. And I'm happy. I want to show it to you first though. I haven't even bring Yuna in there.

Third, Yeji was helping me all along. She noticed me a few months ago following you around the mall while you two were hanging out. Luckily, she knows me. She was like, 'Oh my God. You're THE Shin Ryujin, right? I'm such a big fan. Why are you following us though?' I thought that she was crazy for being that straightforward. I remembered being so nervous and I stutter like crazy while I was explaining that I took a liking to you.

So the instagram account was actually mine. Yeji didn't have to make a fake account. It was set in stone all along. I'm sorry for deceiving you. I really just couldn't approach you that time because I was too intimidated. You were always fuming and you seemed to just snap anytime.

I actually found it adorable and I was actually happy. No one was brave enough to talk to you so I still got a chance, right? I've known Yeji for like, three months. And it took me so long to tell her that, 'Go on. Let's do this. I'm ready to be yelled at.'

I was mean to you at first and I admit that. I don't know how to express myself and I was a little bit like you. So, Yeji told me to have a different approach. Avoid rolling my eyes at you, avoid being mad, avoid being a bitch, be sweet, be kind, be all the things I wasn't used to. But I tried. Because I genuinely wanted to have a chance at you.

That's why I always say at my interview that we've been dating for half a year. Because as silly as it sound, I actually thought that we were dating since then. I'm crazy I know.

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