MIGG: Thirty Two

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Ryujin's Point of View..

"How does it make you feel now that you're coming back home?" Mr. Schmidt, my Psychologist, asked. Obviously happy that he was having no more added headache.

"I feel relieved, happy, excited. All positive feelings. Especially now that I won't be tormented by your hideous face every night I close my eyes." I laughed hysterically. He's on his late 50's and a complete father material. My biological father didn't even asked me where I was or how I was doing and this man right here, helped me get through a lot of things. I didn't regret being here for half a year.

Mr. Schmidt also laughed at my joke. He knows me well enough not to take it seriously.

"I'm glad you're going back too. I'm tired of your face. And, you made such a fuss on the internet yesterday. How famous are you seriously?" I raised an eyebrow with a cocky grin.

"Thought oldies like you doesn't spend time on social media." I chuckled. "I'm not that famous. Just a bit." I answered honestly.

I'm not as big as Kendall Jenner or Gigi Hadid but, a girl could dream, right? I wanted to be a well known model. Just like those two. But.. it was before. My dreams drastically changed when I've met Jisu. And, my responsibilities in our company would hold me back from doing that. I'm not complaining though. I love how the entertainment industry works. Of course there were bad sides of it but, I grew accustomed to it.

"How about Lia? What do you feel about seeing her again after leaving without any trace?" Then there, I was worried. My smile slowly faded from my face.

It was for the best. I know she wouldn't let me leave if she knew what I was planning. And I know how much of a sucker I was for her so I would have just ended up staying with her there. And wouldn't be able to free myself from those nightmares. I never regretted coming here without anyone knowing. It was the only decision that I've made for myself.

The only decision that made me genuinely happy.

And if Jisu was still waiting for me which is I know for sure because her social media accounts was screaming she still loves me, I would gladly be with her. Nothing had changed on how she makes me feel just by hearing her name.

I sighed. I know Yeji hacked my social media accounts. So I made a fake account to be updated with their lives there in Korea.

"I'm prepared. I love her still. This is the time to be with her and spend the rest of my life beside her." I smiled confidently.

When the right time comes, make sure not to mess it all up. It would be hard to find the perfect opportunity to have someone that would love you in any circumstances, just the way you are.

And it would be hard to find someone like Jisu again. Or never.

Lia's Point of View..

Shin Ryujin was trending for two consecutive days right now since she was seen in Los Angeles!

The well known actress and model was totally MIA for six consecutive months and it was only natural for the fans to make a fuss about seeing her for the first time in a while.

Ryujin left South Korea without leaving any trace after the alleged issues about her family and inheritance. It only sparked the rumors even more when she left. Chan Woo, Ryujin's father has never spoken to the media about the speculations. However, Ryujin called for a press conference the day before she left. But it never resolved all of the doubts that was thrown to her.

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