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You forcibly opened your eyes. Letting your pupils wander around the ceiling, you sit up in the familiar environment, your room. Memories of last night replay themselves in your head as you stare outside the window, sunlight peeking in.

Was it all a detailed nightmare?

Rubbing your eyes, you glance to your nightstand and retrieve your phone. Unlocking it and visiting your messenger app for the first time in more than 16 hours, you find nothing out of the ordinary, not even any missed calls.

Questioning your sanity and dreams as of recently, you decide to have a day for yourself seeing as it is the weekend. Preparing your favorite outfit, you get ready for the day and try to avoid your phone and the boys all together.

You step foot in the kitchen and find your mother is actually home for once. "Good morning mom!" You greeted her with a hug.

"(Y/N), good morning. I was given the day off today if you're interested in spending it together." She spoke softly while making your favorite breakfast.

"Sure! Can we go shopping?" You asked, eager to finally use the money you had earned from working for Atticus. "Alright. Let's eat breakfast and we'll get gas on our way since I'm running low, then head to the mall." She answered serving two plates of breakfast and coffee.

"Thanks mom." Smiling, you pulled a chair out from the table and sat yourself down. This is exactly what you needed, a break from the boys. A chance to relax and not think about the recent weird occurrences surrounding them. They were your friends, and you didn't want to think badly of them. Although that did not mean you were letting your guard down.

As you picked at your food, you wondered whether you should stop interacting with them. But then, who else would you talk to? There was always Makoto and Ryo, but, you didn't want to interfere with their privacy and third wheel. At least with the boys they all welcomed you and had most of their attention on trying to you make you laugh and smile. You loved how they were all unique and brought something to the table with their personalities.

Toby's positive and spunky attitude could brighten up your day even when you're feeling upset.

Marshall's soft and kind side made you feel warm and special knowing that you two shared a mutual connection and understanding of each other.

Atticus' pompous but yet caring nature never fails to make you laugh, and you love that parental figure vibe he gives off.

Nolan's swagger and boastfulness can provoke you at times but in a friendly manner, but his dedication to doing what he loves is something nice to see.

Then, why did it feel like you were afraid of them?

"Honey, you look troubled, are you okay?" Your mother asked concerned while taking a swig of her coffee. Looking up from your plate of breakfast, you realize you've been spacing out for the past couple of minutes.

"Yeah mom, um, I was just thinking about a quiz I could have done better on." You fibbed, hoping she wouldn't catch it because the situation would be so complicated to understand for her. There was also the fear that she would put you in some kind of therapy because of recent experiences, so you'd rather save her the trouble.

"Well, okay. Don't feel afraid to let me know if something's up."

"Thanks mom."

"Oh mom, look at this one!" You eagerly said like a little girl, gesturing to a shelf lined with little knick knacks and trinkets. Your mother was happy to see you having a good time, since she can't spend a lot of time with you due to a tight work schedule. She had been worried how you had been the last couple of weeks.

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