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(A/N): I would like to start off by saying thank you for 200 reads! Yay! I did not think that was possible but we did it. I am sorry about the lack of updates as of recently, school just started for me and I had to attend to family matters outside of my home.
Thanks for bearing with the wait.

Atticus' POV

"Ah, so you've heard of me? Then there is no need to introduce myself. Who might you be?" I asked the beautiful girl standing a few feet away from me.

"..Um." Was all that came out of her adorable little lips.

I couldn't help myself when I saw her waiting in line. It was just love at first sight, I think is what they call it. I would never know, I've never felt this way towards anyone. The way her cute (H/C) moved and bounced with life every time she walked, her shiny (E/C) eyes. She looked like a diamond in the rough, royalty among all the other peasants. She was clearly a commoner, judging by what food she was ordering and her clothes. Nothing wrong with that though! It's like finding a cute homeless puppy in a box, you just have to clean them up and let them live in your home. Metaphorically speaking.

"Speak up darling, I bet you have a wonderful voice." I prompted her. Her face turned the shade of a rose. I guess she's not used to flirting.

"I'm (Y/N).." She said barely audible.

"It's a pleasure to meet such a lovely girl such as yourself." I said flashing her an earnest smile and bending down to take her hand in mine and kiss it.

"So about that offer.." I brought her attention back to my question.

I was interrupted by a boy running up to (Y/N) and putting his grimy hand on her dainty shoulder.

"Yo, (Y/N), Marshall told me to let you know that we're gonna be sitting over there." The pink nuisance spoke, gesturing to a boy that looked half dead, sitting and waving at a table.

"Oh, okay, thanks Toby. I'll be there in a sec." (Y/N) spoke.

The boy I presumed was Toby then noticed my presence and quickly left the scene, but not before whispering something to (Y/N) and glancing at me.

How rude to whisper about someone when you're right next to them. I glared at him as he pretended not to see that and walk to his friend sitting at the table.

"Listen, Atticus. Um, thank you for the offer, but I'm here right now with my friends. If you want you could join us... Maybe?" She offered.

I craned my neck over to the duo of edgy boys sitting at the table. Grimacing at the sight of them, I turned back to (Y/N), "I'm good. Thanks." was all I said.

"Suit yourself." She said, before moving up to the cash register and ordering her food. I watched her receive her food and offered to help carry the food for her, but she declined.

"You should be going, you're probably very busy haha. Anyway, see ya." (Y/N) said, waving me off with an unreadable look on her face.

There it is. Guilt.

Her tone of voice sounded a bit sad. Did she want me to join in with the rest of them? I can't be seen in public interacting with...commoners.

With a huff, I walked towards (Y/N)'s table. Pulling out a random chair from the next table over, I sat myself swiftly next to (Y/N).

She looked adorably surprised that I decided to stay. Toby seemed to be in a defensive position, and the dead-looking one known as Marshall seemed irritated by my presence.

"Feel honored to be in my presence, and that I decided to stay." I said, regaining my serious composure and crossing my legs.

"And he's back to being an asshole." Marshall mocked. Toby sighing in agreement.

(2nd POV)

"What?? That's preposterous!!" Atticus yelled, slamming a fist on the table with half eaten foods and dirty napkins.

"I knooow right? She was a whore anyway. Girls like her get eaten alive later in life." Toby sassily remarked.

Atticus seemed to be getting along with Toby so far. They both had some sass to them that made them oddly compatible.

"She will get what she deserves soon. Don't worry." Atticus reassured.

It's quite funny how sitting at a table in a food court for about an hour and talking can make people somewhat good friends. Toby had told the table a girl he met who showed signs of interest in him. When Toby had approached her she shrugged him off like he was nothing, and soon after went chasing some muscly-built dude.

Atticus, as annoying as he might be, is surprisingly loyal. You had asked him what his opinion on relationships were. And, although he tried to flirt with you a lot through out it, he told you he believes in monogamy, and thinks once he finds just one partner that he should stay with that partner for the rest of his life.

Whether you believed in that or not, you thought it was sweet. That's some real dedication and loyalty to one person.

And unbeknownst to you, Atticus never flirts with other girls. Which meant you really caught his eye.

Unfortunately maybe a little too hard.

"Hey (Y/N), you okay?"

"..Yeah. I'm fine."

"You were spacing out just now." Toby said worriedly studying your face for any signs of what might be on your mind.

"I just got a massive headache, that's all."

It wasn't a complete lie, you did have a headache. The thought of what these boys that now know your secret might do with it scares you. They seem like nice people, for the most part. You are almost certain Toby wouldn't snitch. You and Marshall agreed that you won't snitch on him if he won't snitch on you about his stash. The only problems you could see were Nolan and Atticus. Atticus doesn't know yet, and he has a lot of power with his money; easily kicking you, Toby, Marshall, and Nolan out of the school if he really wished to.

Thankfully you're already on Atticus' good side. He has seemed to take quite a liking to you, glancing at you when another boy is speaking just to see how you react. He easily gets jealous whenever Toby or Marshall has your attention for longer than a minute. In his mind he's already planning how the wedding will go.

You look up from your lap, head swirling with thoughts and questions.

"Hey, Atticus?" You asked. All the boys stopped conversing and directed their attention to you.

"Uhm I have something important to tell you." You meekly spoke.

"Are you gonna tell him about, the thing?" Toby asked, tapping a finger on the table with an unreadable expression.

"What thing?" Atticus spoke up, intrigued by whatever Toby was talking about. "Is there something you did not tell me?"

"Yeah. Uh, I don't really know how to go about this."

"Just spit it out (Y/N)." Marshall said eager to get this thing over with that he has already heard.

"Do... Do you remember that boy who stood up to you on the first day of school about reserving a spot where you eat your lunch?" You asked, hesitating on half of your sentence.

"...Oh that fool. What about him should I be aware of?"

"I'm him."



"(Y/N), I don't think you should've told him that." Toby whispered to me.

He was probably right, but it was too late. I can't back down now. My palms were sweaty as I awaited his response. He looked to be in thought, but his expression was unreadable. I nervously glanced to the side, he still stayed stagnant in place.

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