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The Next Day

Wednesday, the halfway point of the week. It's almost done with. We just started school and I already want Summer vacation back.

"Ughhhhhhhh" I groaned quietly to myself trudging through the halls. You'd think I'm drunk with how I'm wobbling around everywhere. I didn't get much sleep last night, and it clearly shows.

Some students who passed by gave me weird looks but meh, I don't really care. Slumming my way to first period I open the door and shove myself into the classroom. I toss my bag down and practically collapse into my chair next to Toby who witnessed the whole thing.

"Woah, drama queen."

"Shut up. I didn't sleep well last night."

"Ah, cranky type are ya?"


"Ah you're so silly (Y/B/N). You remind me of my mom in the mornings." Toby said chuckling and putting his hand on my shoulder in an attempt to comfort me. I let it happen as I put my head back down and waited for class to begin.


"Heya (Y/B/N), clubs are gonna start next week. What club are you gonna join?" Toby questioned as we were walking in the hall together. "Umm. I'm not really sure. I don't know what clubs this school offers."

"Oh right! This is your first year here. Hah, sorry. Normally the school gives out a paper to sign up for clubs the same week clubs go live, which is Monday of next week. Usually the same clubs are around every year, so I have them memorized. Beginning on Monday, you're allowed to explore clubs that you want to be a part of." Toby explained. I nodded my head up and down in understanding.

"All of the clubs are: Key Club, Chess Club, Book Club, Art Club, Advanced Art Club, Debate Club, Science Club, Math Club, Track Club, Soccer Club, Basketball Club, Anime Club, Football Club, Journalism Club, Engineering Club, Film Club, Literature Club, Drama Club, Swimming Club, Music Club, Language Club, Video Game Club, and then a couple of charity clubs." (After writing club so many times the word looks weird to me.)

"There is a lot to choose from, damn." I said forgetting half the choices. Random thought: but I wonder what club Atticus would be in, since it's mandatory to join a club at this school. Probably the assholes club, with him being the leader and Nolan being second in command. I snickered quietly to myself at the idea.

"I think I'm gonna go with music club. I've put off learning drums for far too long now." Toby announced snapping me out of my thoughts. "That sounds like a good idea."

"What about you?"
"Oh uhm. I don't-"

Before you could get your sentence out the bell had rung, which means you're late.

"SHIT" You gasped out in desperation, and frantically began running to your class. "SORRY TOBY!" You yelled out to him in the hallway. Sprinting up the stairs, very out of breath, you make it to the classroom. Let's say the teacher wasn't all that happy with you.

As you sat in your seat, you noticed Marshall sitting a couple of seats away from you. You wanted to talk with your friend but if you attempted to the teacher would definitely catch you and reprimand you.

Lucky for you, the sassy teacher assigned a project for students to get to know each other. She let you pick your partners as well.

As boys were standing out of their seats to approach others, Marshall sat in his seat looking down at his desk. You felt a tang of pity and made your way to your lonely friend. After all, he asked you to be friends. Maybe he's just shy and needs a little push perhaps?

"Hey Marshall, wanna do the project together?" You pressed.

"Meh. Sure. It's not like anyone else wants to do it with me, so I guess you'll have to do.." He said a little rudely.

You shrugged it off and gave him a smile. "Alright then, let's get started!"

The project the two of you had been assigned was a get-to-know-you sort of project. Apparently the game wasn't enough, so she decided to make a project for us. It was basically Twenty Questions. Ask twenty questions to the other person, switch papers, and then answer the questions. She wants the papers to be decorated in colors, too; then have us read it aloud.

Marshall and I had started work on it but could not finish it entirely, so we had agreed to meet up at his house later this week to finish up.

> Timeskip to lunch

"I know you were all speaking poorly of me. Spit out what you said."
"I-I'm so sorry Atticus.. Please let me go..."

The sight shocked you as you set foot on the roof. Atticus was threatening Hiroki, him pinned against a wall, trembling in fear and on the verge of tears. Everyone just watching or ignoring the scene.

"You are to not talk badly of me. Do you understand?" Atticus spoke with a deadly tone. Hiroki frantically nodded in understanding, and Atticus backed off.

"RYO!" Akio appeared from the crowd pushing other boys aside. He ran desperately to cradle Hiroki in his arms. Hiroki had gone into a small state of shock, but Akio had helped him calm down.

"Oh my God Hiroki are you okay?" "Y-Yeah (Y/B/N)... I'm...Fine." He cried out. "I don't care if I insult Atticus or not. He deserves it. Fucking ass-wipe." Akio seethed glaring at Atticus in the distance.

"Hey... it's alright Makoto. Look, I'm all better now." Hiroki said giving a nervous smile to the pale teen holding him. His cheeks were dusted a rosy pink.

You decided to leave the two alone after wishing Hiroki and Akio the best. It would be best for the two to be left alone after an incident like that.

All the boys had gone back to conversing and eating as if nothing just transpired a couple of feet away from them.

Thankfully you weren't alone for the entirety of lunch. Toby stopped by with some snacks for the both of you.

You noticed Marshall on the roof but he seemed occupied talking to a group of boys that you presumed to be skater boys. He would sneak glances at you from time to time. As if he was trying to study you.

Nolan came up and pulled Marshall aside. You were curious as to what they were talking about. The two don't particularly like each other, so seeing them talk in private was rare.

You decided to ask Marshall about it later.


A/N: How are you guys liking things so far? As I mentioned before this is my first full length story on here. Critiques are greatly appreciated. I will include more of Nolan and Marshall in the next chapter. Atticus comes in a bit later. If you noticed, Atticus is more of a lone-wolf. Thus making it harder to interact with him and for him to start falling for you. Not to mention that he is actually a dick.

I have a question for my readers: Who is your favorite boy so far? And if you want to explain why you can go ahead.

Thanks for reading!


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