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Jolting up abruptly after forcing my eyes awake, I replayed the events of my dream in my head.

I was in an abandoned mall, once I found the center of the mall I felt a weird presence. Turning around to said presence, I was greeted with the corpses of Ryo and Akio. They had been killed for no reason, and in a gruesome way as well. I don't exactly know who was responsible for it, as I tried to awake myself from the nightmare before I could see anyone else.

After spending some time thinking about it and realizing it's just my brain messing with me, I drink some water and force myself to sleep.

Thankfully that awful dream didn't continue. I decided to send them a text in our group chat just in case, one of them might be up. Just to make sure they're safe..

Me: Hey, everything alright you two?

Akio: Yes (Y/N). Ryo is still sleeping I believe.

Me: I hope he's okay. I had a nightmare where you two were dead, I was just making sure you guys were good.

Akio: Ah I see. Don't worry (Y/N). Everything is fine. I keep a close eye on Ryo now anyway since the Atticus incidents.

Me: That's understandable. Anyway see you at school tomorrow.

Akio: Sleep tight, (Y/N).

Me: Goodnight Akio, don't stay up too late.

Akio: I won't.

I shut off my phone after putting it to charge. I glanced at the clock for a second and squinted my eyes. 3 AM it read. Akio's up pretty late. I wonder why he's up this late..

Truth be told, Akio, or Makoto, loved reading every night. Once he finishes his homework (which he does on time by the way), he sits down and reads for the rest of the day. Unless he's with Ryo or texting Ryo, he can almost always be seen reading. Sometimes when he has free time, he reads at school as well. He's very diligent and admirable. You think he thinks lowly of you though, since you ask him for help on homework and classwork. In a way he's like Atticus, but less richer and actually has a heart.

Thinking about old books I've read in the past, my mind wandered and before I knew it, I was back to sleep.


As my alarm went off, I groaned. The nice warmth of the bed made me not want to go get ready for the school day. But alas, I got up.

Rushing out the door, I brought a quick snack with me for lunch today. Today is the first day I start working with Atticus. I'm very nervous about how it'll go.

Speaking of Atticus, I felt my phone buzz as I was walking to school.

Atticus: Do not forget about today. We'll meet outside near the back entrance as soon as school ends. Do not be late.

His text seemed formal and serious. It sent a few chills down my spine. He wasn't like that yesterday.

Me: Got it.

I hesitantly submit my response as I put my phone back into my pocket. Continuing ty my way to school, I admired my surroundings before I was encaged in the building called "school".

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