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"His... Brother?" I asked completely befuddled.

"Atticus never mentioned he has a brother?" I whispered to myself.

"Oh he didn't did he? Well, I exist." He said turning away from the fridge to me. I caught a full view of what he looked like now.

He looked like Atticus but lankier and pale. His hair was sort of disheveled and curly, but had the same color as Atticus. His eyes were a similar blue to Atticus, but paler, like there was no life behind them. He was wearing a navy blue blazer, matching dress pants, a white dress shirt underneath, and brown oxfords. He also had a gold watch on his right hand and black tie around his neck.

Hugo also had an air of mysteriousness and uneasiness surrounding him.

In short, he was sus.

"How come I haven't heard of you in any magazine articles or just about anywhere?" I asked, looking for a mug.

"I prefer to not appear to the public. My family considers me a failure anyway, so they like to pretend I don't exist. I stay cooped up in my room all day in my college classes doing work." He gave a pathetic smile, and as his face contorted, I noticed the bags under his eyes.

"Oh.. Uh.. I see.." I didn't really know what else to say as he introduced himself in a way that I feel awkward and bad for him. He seems a little pathetic.

A smile creeped up on his features. I turned away from him to retrieve the mug and turning to a large coffee machine. It had a lot of different dispensers, kind of like a soda machine, but with a cappuccino, hot chocolate, latte, mocha, and frappuccino button. There was also a regular coffee button at the end. I placed the mug under the regular coffee setting and pressed the button. The dark liquid came spurting out into the mug, and a nice aroma soon filled the kitchen.

As I retracted the mug once it was full, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Frightened, I whipped my head around to see the hand belonging to Hugo.

"So uh, how'd you meet Atticus since he goes to an all-boys school?" Hugo asked in a hushed tone.

"Umm.. At.. The mall.." I said trying to give my best excuse at the moment. It wasn't a complete lie, I mean he technically met normal me at the mall.

"Hmm, I see. I wonder why he's so interested in you." Hugo said, tracing his fingers on my shoulder.

"You guys only met yesterday, and he's so interested in you. I mean, you're kinda pretty, but what else is there to you?" He mocked.

"What do you mean?" I asked, my tone getting more serious as I felt anger well up in me.

"Looks just don't cut it with Atticus. If that was completely the case, he would've been taken long ago by now. So what makes you so special? You're a 5 at best."

I felt tears welling up in my eyes from frustration and embarrassment. "So what? Who cares?"

"I do."

Within seconds he restrained me to the counter, preventing me from escaping by using his body to press against mine

"HEY! WH-" I started before he forcefully shoved his hand on my mouth.

"Perhaps what Atticus likes about you is the way you are in bed." He gave an innocent smile.

"WHHFFPH?" I tried saying 'what?' but his hand prevented me from doing so. My face turned into a deep red imagining what he just said. I stood still in shock for a bit.

"If that's the case, I'd like it if you showed me t-"

Before Hugo could finish, he was forcefully ripped from me and thrown onto the ground by Atticus.

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