Outcast Island

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Merlin rode a blue Nadder that resembled closely to Stormfly, Astrid's dragon. He followed the Hiccup and the rest of the riders in a diamond formation, while enjoying a nice telepathic conversation with his Nadder.

Is that fish I smell, Merlin? 

Probably, Fischstäbchen, we are above the ocean,

I'm hungry, Merlin,

I know that, but we have to go to Outcast Island,

That doesn't change the fact I'm hungry,

True....... you know you're not the only one who's hungry,

You'll live, Merlin,

Shut up,

I didn't say anything,

Merlin laughed aloud, patting the side of Fischstäbchen, who let out a dragon snort. Fishlegs gave him an odd look. 

Off in the distance, the oceans stirred around a tiny island. They had arrived. 

" Alright gang," Hiccup shouted, " listen up! I want us to dive bomb those ships, we need to cut off the hunters' way of escape— DUCK!" 

A large fire ball whizzed past them and Hiccup barely had time to swerve out of the way. The hunters' had noticed definitely them. 

" Dragon riders approaching! Archers, FIRE!" The captain shouted. 

A volley of arrows shot into the sky. The Astrid and the others dramatically barrel rolled out of the way while shooting fire. Meh, Merlin thought, been through worse. With a quick flash of his eyes, the incoming arrows burst into flames.

Shouts and fire were the best way to describe the turmoil. The twins were screaming their heads off as they blew up a ship with a huge explosion. Colorful blasts filled the air and BOOM was heard again and again. Fishlegs spilled hot lava on the ships. Snotlout made his entrance BIG as he swept through on FIRE, literally (Yeah both him and the dragon). Astrid and her dragon flew skillfully, with perfect aim she and her dragon never missed their mark. They were only out done by Hiccup and Toothless. There was no doubt about it. They didn't fly as rider and dragon, but they worked together as one.

Merlin watched in amazement, they didn't need his help. He didn't really know what he should do as the riders seemed to have it all covered. The hunters were scurrying around like tiny mice, shouting pointless orders and screaming like little girls.

Are we gonna do anything? Or can I go fishing now? A voice echoed telepathically in his mind.

Merlin sniggered. Meh, sure, they don't need our help, let's go fishing,

And that's the moment Fischstäbchen divebombed into the ocean.


You know I don't really know what I am doing rn. I think this is quite an interesting chapter. My mind is spinning. Tell me if you know what Fischstäbchen means. Bye

For the Love of Dragons ( a Merlin Httyd crossover)Where stories live. Discover now