A Problem

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Merlin dived out of the way. The charging boar narrowly missed him. Merlin scrambled to his feet and spat out mud. Every inch of his clothing was covered in dirt.  The twins were playing dirty.

. . .

" Well that was nice....." Merlin said grudgingly. The boars were now locked away as they walked away from the boar pit. The twins just laughed.

" You weren't so bad...." Tuffnut said snickering.

" But of course we were going easy on you," Ruffnut laughed punching Merlin in the arm.

" Of course...." Merlin gritted through his teeth, his hand rubbing his sore arm.

" So what have we done..... We've showed you the stables, the market, the docks.... the town hall.... anything else?" Tuffnut said to his sister.

" Well there's Gothi," Ruffnut responded.

" Who's that?" Merlin asked.

" Oh," Tuffnut chuckled. " She's the town healer. She's tiny and old and she walks around with this big gnarly stick..... and oh that woman can really swing it," Tuffnut said. " Also she doesn't talk but just writes into the ground. She's excellent to prank too."

Merlin furrowed his brow. 

" Ya know, it seems that you guys cause a lot of trouble," Merlin laughed.

" Only here to make Loki proud," Tuffnut shrugged.

Merlin smiled, twins reminded him so much of Gwaine. They continued walking around the town when they saw a stout Fishlegs running over to them.

" Guys! Hiccup's called a meeting in the town hall! It's bad," Fishlegs panted.

. . . 

" I just got a terror mail," Hiccup began, his face serious. He stood at the head of a long table where all the dragon riders and Merlin were present.

" What is it Hiccup?" Astrid asked.

"  Outcast island is being attacked by dragon hunters," Hiccup explained.

Everyone gasped.

" Why would they want to attack outcast island? I mean that's just where we put all the criminals and our enemies," Tuffnut laughed.

" Well our enemies, are about to become their friends," Hiccup said.

" Oh," Tuffnut said.

" Wait, so now we will have the dragon hunters, and now all our past enemies up against us?" Snotlout shouted. 

" Er— Yes," Hiccup sighed. " But they haven't broken them all out yet.... hopefully..... the terror mail is requesting reinforcements. The dragon hunters haven't succeeded yet. So riders saddle up!" Hiccup announced. 

" May I help?" Merlin asked. " If you give me a dragon I'm sure I'll be a great help."

" Er— sure," Hiccup responded hesitantly. " Fishlegs, could you give Merlin a free dragon to ride with. One that's friendly?"

" Sure thing!" Fishlegs exclaimed. 

" Riders! Saddle up!" Hiccup roared.

. . . 


Hi. Hi. Hi. Mahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhaha. I don't really know what to say. I love carrots. Goodbye.

For the Love of Dragons ( a Merlin Httyd crossover)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon