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Sunlight streamed through the window of Merlin's bedroom. Warm rays of sunlight shone on the bed. Merlin folded some clothes and tucked them into his bag along with some food for his journey. He was leaving. He had told Gaius already. He felt that he should be doing something useful. Arthur's death had left him miserable. Even though Gwen had lifted the ban on magic, he  felt like he didn't belong. He needed time to think. Silently, Merlin's door swung open and Guinevere entered. Her queenly gaze rested on Merlin. 

" Gaius told me you were leaving. He told me you were going to find the rest of the dragons," she smiled sadly. " Were you going to leave without telling me?"

Merlin looked up, meeting her eyes.

" I'm sorry. I was going to tell you. It's just, I need time to think. Ever since Arthur's death—"he choked a bit saying the words. Tears sprung to his eyes. Gwen walked over to Merlin and enveloped him in an embrace. " I just need to take my mind off things. I feel like finding the rest of the dragons will help me."

" I understand," Gwen said sadly. She got up and picked up a small, wooden dragon which lay on Merlin's desk. She smiled softly as she caressed the dragon's wooden neck with her thumb. " I will miss you." She sighed handing the dragon to Merlin. " You will find them Merlin. I know you will."

Merlin gave a small smile. He would miss Gwen dearly.

" Camelot will be here for you, Merlin. I will always be here for you." Gwen said taking his hands in her own. " Good luck." She hugged Merlin again. A silent tear slid down her cheek. She let go and turned to the door.

" Good bye Gwen," Merlin said softly. He watched her leave.  She will be a great queen,  Merlin thought. He took his bag packed with his belongings. He would be gone by nightfall.


Well that's the first chapter. It was short. I'll try to make the next ones a bit longer. Tell me what you think! Comment and advice are always welcome.

For the Love of Dragons ( a Merlin Httyd crossover)Where stories live. Discover now