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There was a long silence. Astrid was the first to speak.

" What. Was. That." She went to him axe in hand.

" Woah woah woah! Astrid! Let Merlin explain!" Hiccup exclaimed jumping off toothless.

" Yeah! I can explain," Merlin said. He took a deep breath, " I'm a—"

" Wizard!" Tuffnut declared. 

" Well not exactly—"

" Woah! And we thought Hiccup was a wizard...... Now this is the real deal!" Ruffnut interrupted.

" Wait, What?" 

" Well technically, I'm a warlock," Merlin said.

" I'm now confused," Tuffnut scratched his head.

Merlin sighed, " Wizards have magic and warlocks are born with it."

" I don't see the difference," Tuffnut said.

Merlin facepalmed. " It doesn't matter anyway."

" Sooo...." Hiccup said finally, " You can use magic?"

" Yes....." 

" Why didn't you tell us before you were a wiz—warlock?" Hiccup asked. Tuffnut and Ruffnut were conspiring in hushed whispers.

Merlin paused a moment before answering. " Well it's just, I wasn't quite sure how you would react! I don't know your views on sorcery, and i'm from Camelot, where magic was banned, and i'm rambling, but let's just say I'm used to keeping secrets."

Hiccup took a moment to process what Merlin had said. " Well!" He said, " You have no reason to fear us!........ Astrid...... put the axe down......"

Merlin grinned happily.

" I know you have magic and all," Astrid began, " But can warlocks control dragons? I mean, I've never seen anything like that, the way you just sort of sent the Singe Tails away!" Astrid said with a lowered axe.

" Well technically, no. I just happen to be a dragonlord--"

" Oh Oh OH! I've heard about the dragonlords! Wait here I have a card," Fishlegs exclaimed rummaging through his jacket.

" Card?"

" Don't ask, once Fishlegs starts geeking out, there's no stopping him," Tuffnut whispered.

" Hmmmm...... Nope..... Not that...... Getting closer..... Oh! I got it," Fishlegs declared holding up a card that was titled dragonlord. " Here, Hah! oooohhhh cool..... Fascinating. Dragonlord, class, possibly human--"

" Possibly?" Merlin said.

" Well I've never actually met one before! I'm just going off of what I've heard! Here, it says, Dragonlords are creatures said to be able to talk to the dragons, and tame them. Legend says that they have huge dragon like wings and breathe fire!"

" Wait, What!?" Merlin gasped.

" Yeah..... I don't see any wings hiding under that jacket, do you Merls," Tuffnut said sarcastically  elbowing Merlin in the arm.

" I haven't noticed any." 

" Ok, ok, I know all this is probably very wrong..... And I'll fix it ok? But can you breathe fire?" Fishlegs asked.

" No....... I don't think so, I'm pretty sure I'm human," Merlin said. " Mostly."

" Wait, sooooo if Fishlegs got it all wrong, what is a dragon lord, actually," Hiccup said.

" Fishlegs didn't get it wrong, what he said about talking to the dragons and taming them was all correct, it was just appearances..... that were a little...... off."

Hiccup thought for a moment. " So you are like the master of the dragons."

" Well we are more like kin, our souls share a bond. We are...... connected, you know what I mean?" Merlin put his hand up to toothless, who snuggled up against it. 

Ruffnut gasped. " I think Merlin just stole your thing....." Ruffnut said dramactically. Hiccup groaned. 

"Well now it looks like Hiccup is not the only dragon whisperer around here any more," Astrid said. " Come on guys, we can talk more later, half of Berk has been burned down." And she walked away, followed by Stormfly.

" She's right, we can talk more about this later," Hiccup said. " Merlin do you think you could help us rebuild?"

" I would be glad too!" Merlin said.


Hiiiiii people...... again! I'm back! I've hope you've enjoyed the chapter. Gooooddddd Byeeeeee

For now..... mahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahaha. I ain't crazy.

For the Love of Dragons ( a Merlin Httyd crossover)Where stories live. Discover now