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The sun was setting into the horizon. The dragons swept through the air, strong wings gliding over the ocean. Merlin glanced around him. Aithusa's white body swooped gleefully along side Toothless. Merlin smiled. The wind ran through his hair. He could taste the salt wind. It felt like all his burdens were flying away...

" This is amazing....." Merlin proclaimed in awe raising his arms in the air.

" There's nothing quite like it," Hiccup smiled. " Have you ever ridden a dragon before?" He asked, turning his head over his shoulder.

" I've done it before.... But it's something that thrills you no matter how many times you've done it..... It makes you feel...." Merlin contemplated for a second.

" Free," Hiccup said finishing his sentence.

" Exactly."

A misty, warm glow could be seen in the distance, brightening the darkened sky. As they flew closer, the outline of a village became visible on an island blanketed with pine trees. Stone Vikings arose from the waters, fire burning from their mouths. The village was very lively. Dragons of all types and  colors roamed the streets. Vikings walked along side them.

" This is Berk!" Hiccup began. " A sanctuary where Vikings and flaming lizards live together in peace. Well it's mostly peaceful, when the twins aren't around," Hiccup whispered the last part. 

Merlin laughed.

" Over there are the stables for the dragons, we have all you can eat dragon feeding stations, And on every building we've built in a water bucket in case of fires, but nearly all the fires are started by the twins." Hiccup gave a dirty look to Ruffnut and Tuffnut. The twins innocently shrugged. " If you are alright with it, you can stay at my place," Hiccup said pointing to a large house on top of a grassy knoll overlooking the rest of Berk.

" You have a nice house!" Merlin exclaimed remembering the one-room house he used to live in in Ealdor.

" I am the chief," Hiccup stated.

" hmph. Nice," Merlin said.

Toothless landed softly next to the house. Hiccup and Merlin hopped off his back, Aithusa landing next to them with the other dragon riders.

" Hey Fishlegs, could you take Aithusa to the stables and change her bandages, we don't want her arrow wound to get infected," Hiccup said.

Fishlegs looked at Merlin, who nodded in consent. " Absolutely! Come on Aithusa! You'll be walking normally in no time girl!" Fishlegs coaxed leading Aithusa, who limped obediently behind him, down the hill.

Merlin smiled. She would be in good hands. 

" Hey Hiccup!" Tuffnut called. " Tomorrow can we have the honor of giving our new visitor a tour of Berk? We can make him play in the boar pit!" Tuffnut said mischievously.

Merlin raised an eyebrow. Boar pit?

" Sure....." Hiccup said hesitantly. " Just.... please don't kill him or anything."

Merlin's eyebrow raised Gaius-high.

" Oh Hiccup, you are taking all the fun out of it," Ruffnut smirked. " See ya later Merls!" The twins turned cackling down the hill.

" Should I be worried?" Merlin asked. " And what's a boar pit?"

Hiccup chuckled. " Don't worry, it's just the twin's idea of fun, come on let's get some sleep." He gestured to the door.

Merlin sighed and followed him inside, hoping he didn't die tomorrow.

For the Love of Dragons ( a Merlin Httyd crossover)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum