The Dragon Lord

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" It's Hunters!" Hiccup coughed. 

Villagers scrambled frantically out of the way. Buildings were in flames. Merlin saw a flash of a dragon streak past through the smoke, fire shooting from its mouth. Wait...... were the dragons attacking Berk? No, it couldn't be. Merlin saw  vast ships on the docks. The ships of dragon hunters. Then he saw a misty shape of a large crimson dragon, minuscule, compared to Kilgarrah, but to the dragons he had seen so far, it was rather impressive. And the dragon was not alone. On his back, was a strange hunter, with a whip in his hand. The hunter cracked his whip, and the dragon roared, taking off into the air.

" There are dragon flyers too!" Astrid exclaimed. 

This was bad. They were outnumbered, and it looked like the hunters were riding dragons now too, unfortunately.

" Get the woman and children out of here!" Hiccup shouted to Fishlegs. " Take down the ships! Be careful of the dragon flyers, and don't hurt the dragons!" He shouted. 

Hiccup flew off into the smoke hidden from sight. Smoke stung Merlin's eyelids, he could barely see. The fires rose higher, he could hear villagers screaming, he needed to do something. 

Boom! Out of nowhere a fireball slammed into Fischstäbchen. Merlin was thrown from his dragon. He slammed into the ground. All around him were flames. His eyesight was hazy fading in and out as he was disoriented. " Fischstäbchen!" He exclaimed. But he could not see his dragon. 

" Aaaahhhhhhhhh!" 

Merlin heard a small scream. It was coming from a burning house. He whipped around and  rushed inside, coughing and sputtering. There was someone inside there. Merlin looked frantically for the source of the noise. Then, he saw her. In the corner of the house, there was a small child huddled against the stone wall screaming. Her gray eyes were streaked with tears. 

Merlin rushed to her as fast as he could. The roof would cave in at any moment. Crack! The roof split. A burning rafter tumbled down. It was going to crush the girl! 

Merlin's eyes flashed. He held up his hand. The burning rafter stopped midair. Merlin tossed it aside with a flick of his wrist. When the girl saw him, and the burning beam, she screamed even louder.

" Shhh shhh shhh!" Merlin shushed rushing to girl. She edged further away from him. " It's ok, you're alright, I'm not going to hurt you." 

The girl looked up at him with large eyes. 

" Come here," Merlin said gently. " It's ok, I've got you."

She slowly walked towards Merlin.  Once she reached him, Merlin whisked her up into his arms and he carried her out of what was left of the structure.

This has gone far enough, Merlin thought. Capturing dragons, and using them for their own benefit was one thing, but then using them to attack an innocent village with women and children was going too far. This had to end. Now.

Merlin lowered the girl, though she clung to his side. 

Prosm tohweorf!" Merlin roared eyes flashing gold. Suddenly the smoke dispersed, revealing at least fifty dragon flyers viciously attacking Berk. " Awendaþ eft wansæliga neat!" Merlin's eyes ignited again. The dragon flyers were suddenly flung back off of their dragons. They thudded to the ground, either dead or unconscious.

The dragons looked around, confused. 

Oi drákoi eínai doreán! Oi drákoi afínoun aftó to méros píso sta spítia sas!" Merlin roared.

At once the enemies dragons flew off in different directions deserting the village. Non-verbally, Merlin dissipated the lingering fires. Merlin let out a deep, exhausted breath, the battle was over. The hunters had been defeated.

" Fraya!" A woman shouted. 

The girl at Merlin's side whirled around. " Mother!" She cried, running to her.

Merlin smiled seeing the family reunited. Then,  Merlin heard the flapping of heavy wings. He turned. Facing him, were six slack-jawed dragon riders. 

He may have some explaining to do.


Hi! I'm back! Sorry that took awhile, I've been busy with school among other things like life. But....... I'm back with a new chapter. Hope you liked it.  I'll write more sometime......... ish..... idk when, but hopefully soon. Goodbye!

Prosm tohweorf = Smoke, be parted.

Awendaþ eft wansæliga neat = Avert/Throw back terrible beasts.

Oi drákoi eínai doreán! Oi drákoi afínoun aftó to méros píso sta spítia sas = Dragons be free! Dragons leave this place head back to your homes!

For the Love of Dragons ( a Merlin Httyd crossover)Where stories live. Discover now