To Aithusa

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Aithusa's in trouble,  was all Merlin could think. He trudged through the forest paying no avail to the scrapes and scratches he acquired while being snipped by the nearby underbrush. He felt a new emotion. Rage. He could feel his dragon lord connection with Aithusa. He could sense her every emotion. She was scared, alone, and hurt. When he found her, her captors would face the wrath of Emrys.

Merlin entered a clearing. Fresh wind tossed his hair about as he tasted the scent of the ocean. He stood for a moment. He somehow knew where he needed to go. Over this ocean, somewhere, was Aithusa, and Merlin wasn't going to let this water get in his way. 

He turned around, facing a tall oak tree. His eyes flashed gold. He needed no axe. With a heavy creaking, the tree came crashing down. With the help of his magic, Merlin was able to turn the tree into a small boat. He hoped it would suffice. He enchanted the boat to make sure there could be no leaks, and pushed it out into the open water. His urge told him where he needed to go. Another flash of his eyes, and he was sailing away. I'm coming Aithusa.


These chapters are just getting shorter and shorter. Hope you liked it anyway.

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