Hunters Pay

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He didn't care if he was seen. Forget about being discreet! Nobody could stop him now. Merlin barged angrily out of the forest into the hunter's camp. The hunters  paid no heed to him.

" Release these dragons now," Merlin demanded.

That caught the hunter's attention. They eyed him suspiciously for a moment, examining his scrawny features. Who did this man think he was? They out right laughed.

" You a fan of them, huh," One of the hunters grunted poking the fire with a stick.

" I said release them. Now," his voice growing colder, angrier.

" They aren't your dragons boy," A hunter spat, his crossbow slung over his shoulder. " Why do you care."

" Who's to say their yours? Dragons should not to be used for your own wicked intentions. You cannot enslave dragons like this. It's cruel. They are creatures that should be respected." Merlin said disgusted.

" It's business lad! We need to sell the dragons to get our money," A hunter grumbled.

" Well that's just some disgusting business," Merlin's magic bubbled angrily under his skin, threatening to break through. Ready to strike every one of those hunters where they stood. It took all of Merlin's will power to keep his magic under control. " Set these dragons free now, or you'll have hell to pay."

At that, the hunters howled with laughter.

" What can you do! You gonna knock us out with a lump of wood!" The hunters exclaimed. Some of them had even fallen off their seats rolling in laughter at his threat.

" You have no idea, what I could do to you," Merlin replied coldly.

" Hunters, get him!" They said.

Boom! A giant shock wave knocked the hunters and Merlin to the ground. Hastily, Merlin scrambled to his feet, looking to the sky. Shots of purple light blasted the camp. Rocks exploded. Fire rained. Merlin caught a glimpse of multiple shapes whipping through the sky. Figures streaked through the air, fire bursting from their mouths. Dragons.

The hunters shouted and scurried around frantically for cover occasionally trying to fire an arrow at their attackers, but Merlin ensured all their attempts missed.

Over the confusion and turmoil, Merlin was sure he could hear voices coming from the backs of the dragons.

" Ruff, Tuff, and Fishlegs, get down to those dragons. Astrid, Snotlout, help me take care of the hunters."

These dragons had riders. Merlin's gaze snapped to the rider on a jet-black dragon who was shouting orders to his companions. Merlin rushed past the hunters, dodging the fire. He ran full-speed to Aithusa's cage. She cowered in the corner of her cage, frightened by all the commotion.

" It's alright Aithusa, I'm going to get you out of here." He said soothingly. Aithusa looked up at him. Her gaze softened slightly as she saw her dragonlord. Merlin reached for the latch on the cage when-

" Hey you there! Stop! What are you doing with that dragon!" A male voice commanded.

Merlin felt a dragon's breath on him. He whirled around. A large, menacing orange dragon faced him, snarling. Even more impressive, the dragon was on literally on fire. Flames licking at his scales.

" Give me one reason, why I should not burn you where you stand! Dragon hunter," The rider on top of the dragon snapped.

Ohhh snap! This dude thinks i'm a dragon hunter, Merlin thought. The dragon facing him looked about ready to eat him whole.

" I'm no dragon hunter. I'm freeing this dragon," Merlin said coolly keeping his composure.

" How do I know your not just saying that to save your own neck!" The rider said. " Hooky," He nudged his dragon. " Why don't we urge him to tell the truth!" The dragon growled deeply, stepping closer to Merlin.

Merlin rolled his eyes. I am telling the truth.

" Drákos antítheta, min pyrovolíseis, ennoó óti den vláptei!" Merlin roared in the ancient dragon tongue.

The dragon immediately retreated. The rider looked astonished.

" I mean no harm. I'm only here to help," Merlin said calmly.

" How did you d-do that!" The rider exclaimed.

" It doesn't matter right now. Now we need to help these dragons," Merlin said impatiently, turning back to the cage.

With a silent spell, Merlin unlocked Aithusa's cage, and ran to her side. She whimpered weakly, limping from the arrow wound in her leg. Merlin hugged her, patting her scales comfortingly. He just held her there, not caring that the dragon rider was watching, whispering into her ear, " I'm so sorry Aithusa, I'm so sorry."


hmmm... This chapter was a lot longer than the other ones. The fun begins.... Hoped you liked it.

For the Love of Dragons ( a Merlin Httyd crossover)Where stories live. Discover now