100 follower Q&A

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Hey guys! Thanks for submitting your asks! Sorry it took so long! I got a little busy with New Year's and was in a bit of a mental funk where I was doing stuff, but I wasn't, like doing stuff, you get what I mean? Like, I wasn't really processing or really enjoying what it was I was doing.

Anyways, enough of that! Let's get to it!

Bluebunny2017: so... first question, is this where we ask? And if it is, if you restore a wooden boat by replacing all of the wooden parts, will it still be the same boat?

Yup, you asked in the right place! Sorry for not saying where you should do the asks 😅

If you restore a wooden boat by replacing all the wooden parts, I don't really think it's the same boat. Sure, it may look the same, but you've gotten rid of so much, including the original frame. You may have the same nails, sails, and such, but it's not the really same boat, despite it having the same name.

Think of it like a person. A person's cells get replaced every seven years and goes through a lot of change between that time. The person is still the same person, but at the same time, they're not. Does that any make sense???

Cajun_Yankee: what is your opinion on the sovame ship? Or just the cold war in general?

It's a meh for me. I've read some good oneshots, but I'm not, like, really into the ship, y'know?

The Cold War, I think, was really messy. So many things happened because of the Cold War that didn't need to happen in the first place, but did because of a rivalry. Like, we didn't need to go overseas to fight in the Korean or Vietnam Wars, and yet, we did. There's also the proxy wars that stemmed from it and the increased exploitation of third-world countries...

Okay, I guess I don't like the Cold War.

Oh, also, side note. This was also the period of time where the boomers were making lots of changes that would negatively impact later generations, including mine. And Ronald Reagan also became president during this time period, and I really don't like him. He doesn't beat Trump, but he's definitely one of the top contenders.

Imaperson20081212: how was your day? How's your Christmas?(if you celebrate) Um, whats your favorite time of day? What color is better in your opinion, red or white? I'm sorry I have so many questions. This just seemed fun. Have a good day! QwQ

Aw, don't be sorry for asking so many questions! Curiosity may have killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back 😉

My day's been kinda average. I recently found out I have chronic fatigue syndrome, and that was acting up a little more than usual today, but other than that, things have been fine.

My Christmas was wonderful, thank you for asking! I actually got to enjoy myself instead of trying to please my "father," so that was good! I got some clothes as presents, which doesn't seem all that special, but I honestly did need more, especially winter clothes.

My favourite time of day is late in the night to really early in the morning (before six-ish). That's when I'm usually able to concentrate on my work well and come up with story ideas.

I like red more than white. Dunno why.

Pestilence_YT: alright if we cant se air, but we can see water. Then cant fish see air and not water????

I don't think so, and here's why:

The thing is with water is that it refracts light more than air does because water has a higher refractive index than air, 1.33 vs 1, to be specific. Refraction in water happens when rays of light go through water and bend as they move from the water to the air. When the rays reach our eyes, our eyes trace them back as straight lines, or lines of sight. The lines of sight intersect at a higher position than where they originally came from.

Since an eye is ultimately an eye, theoretically-speaking, a fish's eye would process refraction in the same way I described it.

I hope that makes sense. Let me know if it doesn't, and I'll try explaining it more.

FiniPiePlayz: What was the first CH book you've read on here? What are you goals for 2021? Did you complete any goals you had for 2020?

Oof, I don't remember. I think it might've been Prove Me Wrong by SnowGalaxy06, but I could be wrong. I just remember getting into the fandom sometime at the beginning of 2020, and we all know that was decades ago.

kookieskreamy: Do you like cake? If so, then what's your favourite flavor?
Do you plan to write more ch books or books about different topics/fandoms in the future ?
What do you think about ship wars or cyber bullying over ships in general ?

I do like cake, especially decorating it! My favourite flavour that I've had so far is probably red velvet. It's chocolate-y with a slight acidic flavour, which is a nice counter to such a rich, sweet flavour.

I might start a oneshot book for ch, but I'm definitely writing another book for ch. I'm actually writing the next chapter of Sunshine right now, and I'm so sorry for such a long wait! (Sunshine is my headcannon backstory for Philippines, btw). I've also got some plans for another book after I finish Handling a Crisis. As for writing books for other fandoms, maybe. I might start writing a Sanders Sides oneshot book, but who knows?

I hate ship wars and cyberbullying because of ships. I mean, yeah, you're entitled to have your own opinion- I'm not gonna stop you from having one- but that doesn't mean you can go on and bully someone or fight them for not sharing your opinions. That's unnecessarily problematic.

Ship what you wanna ship, and if you find something with a ship you don't like, then either don't interact with it or keep your opinion to yourself.

Okay, that's all! Thanks for tuning in, and I'll see you guys around! Bye!

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