oh shit it's may

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Wow holy crap i'm actually posting on here-

May is known as Mental Health Awareness Month here in the United States (idk about the other countries). Ironically, it is also the same month as AP testing, the one month everyone wants to blow their brains out more than usual because it's also finals and we're wrapping up the school year, so people are also trying to fix their grades before bring sentenced to summer school.

So in honour of this stupid juxtaposition, I present to you a few things that were basically going on in my mind at random points of time during the month, featuring my...

- anxiety
- insomnia
- old eating disorder (ED) thoughts that are trying to make a comeback
- old self-harm (SH) habits that are also trying to come back
- intrusive thoughts (IT)
- and I'm including my chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) because it affects me mentally as much as it does physically
- same with phantom limb syndrome (PLS)

It's alright if you laugh.

Physics teacher: *talking about Newton's laws* *someone mentions apples in chat*

ADHD: Hey, we haven't baked in a while.

Me: Hey, yeah, we haven't. But we don't have time to do that right now. We need to focus on class-

ADHD: We should totally make cookies! We haven't made those in a long time. Or maybe a cake? Ooh, you know what? You should totally rewatch season six of the Great British Bakeoff. There were really good competitors there. I think I'm thinking of the right season? I don't know-

Physics teacher: Okay, discuss it with your breakout rooms.


Anxiety: Oh shit, oh fuck, what was he saying? It was something about physics. Was there a problem we have to solve? Oh fuck-

Physics teacher: And turn on your cameras, guys.

PTSD: Did someone say camera-?

Me: Oh hell no NOPE


Neighbor: *starts mowing their lawn*

ADHD: I don't like that noise. It's vibrations through the ear canal aren't pleasant.

Me: *can no longer read* Fuck.


English teacher: *shows us a video on what to expect on the test*

Anxiety: Oh my God, wait, is it all just old English?! Victorian language?! Oh Jesus Christ, and we still have to write an essay in forty-five minutes!

Me: Yeah, I know, thanks.


Me: We really should be studying right now.

ADHD: We should! Nice job noticing that! :)

Me: Thank you.

ADHD: You're welcome!



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