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1. PinkFox567

2. okay

3. oof, um...

- When I was eight, I accidentally drank whiskey and got HELLA wasted. The repercussions were not fun. Neither are hangovers.

- I'm pretty good at science

- I can speak Spanish fairly well

- I can understand a good amount of Tagalog, but speaking and writing it is a whole different story

- I've never met the Vietnamese side of my family

- I kinda performed surgery on myself

- I started cooking at the age of seven

- I love baking

- I'm not allowed to read or watch stuff with magic and demons and stuff, so I do it all in secret

- I'm also only supposed to listen to Christian music, but (sorry, Jesus) SCREW THAT I WANNA LISTEN TO BRENDON URIE

4. Lol nope y'all can tag yourselves

5. What's the best thing about Switzerland?

I dunno, but the flag's a big plus

6. Nicole, Madame Tulane, and Comrade Drew will make a comeback

7. Already did

'Kay, that's all for now. Cya guys!

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