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Two days ago, I went out to the store because I needed to get groceries. I don't live far from the store, so it makes sense to not expect anything to happen while you're gone, right?

Well, when I came home, I went to my room to get a change of clothes and saw that my bedroom door was gone.

Naturally, I was confused as frick, so I asked my brothers, who shall not be named, what happened.

"Oh yeah, Ma removed your door," Brother 1 told me.

"Why did she remove your door?" I asked.

"Because Mom and Dad are worried you might be gay, so they're taking your door away for all of June."

At this point, I'm feeling two emotions:

At this point, I'm feeling two emotions:

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My parents are really religious

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My parents are really religious. Like, so religious, my older sister and I had to read Harry Potter and other fantasy books in secret and I have to listen to the music I like in secret because apparently, it's sinful.

That being said, my parents are obviously against the LGBTQ+ community. They constantly hate on people who identify themselves as someone in the LGBTQ+ community and work to make sure that none of their children are in the LGBTQ+ community. One example of their work is
my brothers not being allowed to wear face paint because it's too close to being makeup.

Stupid, right?

I'm not straight or cisgendered. If my parents find out, they're going to freak the frick out and probably kick me out of the house.

I'm not worried about me. I can take care of myself. If we're kicked out of my house, I could probably just just live with my sis in southern California. I can get a job and help around the apartment by cooking and doing chores and stuff. And school? Well, there's online school, so I'm pretty sure I can just do that.

It's my brothers I'm worried for.

They're chaotic people, sure, but they don't always do it on purpose. My parents are really strict with them and makes them feel bad because of things they can't control. I comfort them because I know what that feels like.

So yeah, because my door's been removed, I now have to be a little more careful about what I do so I don't expose myself. Luckily for me, that's not too big of a problem since my parents don't really pay attention to me that much and are usually paying attention to something else.

On a happier note, the next chapter for Handling A Crisis should be out sometime later today. See y'all then!

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