two truths and a lie explanations

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Ready to see if you were right?

1) I have broken my wrist— truth; I was tripped on the stairs by a kid with a rolly backpack. They were banned from school after that.

2) I have broken my nose— lie; I don't really have a breakable nose. I have a flat, broad Filipino nose (I should probably change the way I draw my nose). This means my nose is basically just cartilage and no bone.

3) I have broken my leg— truth; I was shoved into a bookshelf and said bookshelf fell straight on top of my leg while I was trying to get up.

Oh, and AnAttractiveTrashCan, I'm okay now, don't worry!


1) I wasn't really allowed to watch TV as a kid— truth; my parents thought there was a better use of my time, but whenever they had people over, they let me watch TV.

2) I used to not be allowed to go outside during winter break— lie; this was one of the few things I was allowed to do.

3) I used to not be allowed to wear skirts— truth; my parents thought they were ridiculous, but for some reason, dresses were okay? Idk, it was weird.


1) I caused a person to get stitches once— lie; do I need to say anymore?

2) I've tripped someone on purpose— truth; I had good reason to! I overheard a girl in my older sister's class and the audacity of this bitch got her tripped by a seemingly-innocent seven-year-old.

3) I've high-kicked someone before— truth; I was five and my cousins were visiting me for Christmas. They wanted to know if I could high-kick. I tried and kicked our meanest cousin in the face, but he didn't tell because he didn't think it was cool to say he got shiner from a small child.

Man, if only I were that flexible now.

Okay, I don't really know who to tag, so if you wanna do it, feel free to do so. Bye guys!

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