The Capitol Situation

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Please note that this isn't an exact timeline of events! I'm just summarizing!

Today, January 6, 2021, Trump did a speech. As suspected, lots of Trump's followers attended. I, personally, was not able to watch it. During his speech, he got his supporters riled up, and when it finished, they headed to the Capitol building. Inside the building, the recounting the Electoral College votes was taking place to reaffirm that Biden had indeed won the election, not Trump.

Things soon escalated to the point where the police needed to get involved. Not riot police. Just police. Regular policemen. These people were ill-suited to take on the Trump supporters, who've turned the protest into a riot. The mayor of Washington D.C., Muriel Bowser, requested that the Department of Defense (DoD) send in the National Guard, but they declined, contrasting the immediate action taken with peaceful BLM protests. Mayor Bowser did implement a 6pm (18:00) curfew.

There were Confederate flags, MAGA flags, Trump-Pence flags, and Blue Lives Matter flags everywhere. That last one is ironic, considering the Trump supporters have "given support" to "blue lives," also known as police lives. This just goes to show they don't actually care about you until you fit their agenda.

The people inside the building had to be evacuated due to there being a reported pipe bomb outside the Capitol building.

There were barricades blocking the Capitol, but the rioters got past those. Some have climbed walls, others broke windows and got through the doors, and some were let in by the police, who opened the barricades. There's video evidence of this happening.

The people stormed into the building. One woman ended up getting shot in the neck and was later confirmed dead. At least five more people have been transferred to the hospital. People, at this point, have had flash grenades thrown at them, have been shot at with rubber bullets, hit with tear gas, and sprayed with mace.

House representatives, democrats and republicans, urged Donald Trump to speak to the rioters. Both Biden and Trump released videos, telling the rioters to leave in peace. They did not. The representatives have also started talking about using the 25th amendment on Donald Trump, which would remove him from office immediately. This does not mean they are actually considering it.

Sometime amidst this chaos, Twitter has locked Trump's twitter account.

The DoD did eventually send the National Guard in, as per the request of Mike Pence, and riot police were finally deployed. The rioters were eventually taken out of the building, but not before engaging in an armed battle with the rioters. The building has been/is being swept for anything the rioters have left that could be a life threat to anyone inside. So far, they have recovered at least one IED.

Senators are determined to stay within the building until Electoral College counting has finished.

Pro-Trump crowds have now started marching on statehouses across the United States.

(People are also now starting to joke about giving the Area-51 raid a second chance after seeing how easy it was to storm the Capitol building.)

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