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The Kugimiyas were blessed with twins, Barry and Nadech. Very identical but their personalities are different. Though both grew up with manners and class, Barry has always been serious in taking over the family company they own. Nadech on the other hand wanted to do what he wanted, to become a neurosurgeon.

None from the family is in the medical field but Nadech badly wanted to become one, the reason why he isn't his dad's favorite. Both Barry and Nadech are Masters of Business Administration however after Nadech graduated, he studied biomedical science to meet admission requirements for medical school and he succeed. Barry has been very supportive of him thus the strong bond between the two.

Barry knows how Nadech adores their business partner's only daughter Urassaya Sperbund, she is called Yaya by her close friends. A doctor by profession, one of the most renowed neurosurgeons in the country. Ever since toddlers, their parents had been joking which of the twins should Urassaya marry but Barry seemed uninterested. He is already seeing someone and that's Patricia Good, Yaya's best friend and is also a doctor.

It wasn't a secret that Yaya has a great affection to Nadech too and it was a joy for their parents that they are really dating. After all the teasing and petty fights since they're kids, they've grown a deeper feeling towards each other. That's make them almost perfect.

"You know what Yaya, we should take a nap right here as I am super tired. We're awake for what? 20 hours now! I'll collapse in a minute I swear" says Patricia dragging Yaya to their office.

"As if you're not used to it? C'mon Pat we've been doing this since forever and we chose this field so shhh. Your high pitched voice is getting in my nerves!" she teased Pat while jumping to hug her so they both fell to the chair.

"Yaya, you---"

"What's going on here?" before Patricia could even pinch Yaya, the handsome Nadech opened the opened the office door.

"What are you doing here Doctor Kugimiya? Who says you can just get in here just because the other annoying doctor is your girlfriend, huh?" Patricia playfully eyed the both of them so Yaya hits her in the head.

"Say, you're jealous because your Barry isn't here! Poor Patty. Alone and a third wheel?" Yaya laughed as she makes her way to Nadech wrapping her arms around his waist as he did the same kissing her temples.

"Can you guys stop? I wanted to throw up! Show offs!" Patricia made a face while her arms are crossed.

"C'mon little kids. Grow up! You are teasing and fighting everywhere. Let's go. You both are needed in the conference room."

That's how close they are. The four of them basically grew up together, families are in good terms and business partners.

Barry on the other hand will be the next CEO once their father retires. He has been appointed already and has met every board members and staffs. He started from scratch as his father wanted him to work on things, and learn everything first. That's how the twins grew up.

Mr.Kugimiya has announced his retirement at the end of the month and will hand everything to Barry.

Because there's Barry who is ready to do whatever his father wants, Nadech gets away from all the responsibility and his dad lets him be.

When they learned about the company's turnover, Patricia immediately organized a gang party for the four of them, inviting Mario who is Nadech's childhood friend and his girlfriend Baifern who is outside the circle but eventually became part of the gang already.

"Take it eassyyyy! Yeaaah.
Make yourself feel right at home.. yeahh ooooh!"

The loud music and the gang singing along resonates. They are in the most expensive bar in Thailand.

"Never leave me yeahhhh,
You don't have to feel alone uh-uh yeah"

Everyone had fun and is drunk except Barry. He worries about the girls and who will drive them home if everyone is drunk so he just took a few shots.

"C'mon bro, you will be very busy in the next days or say, in a month so chill! Lets get wasted tonight na ka P!" says Nadech to his brother.

"Just go ahead, Na. If we both pass out later, who will drive us home? Khun ba! Surely mom and dad will kill us both. We even said we'll just go dinner" Barry spats.

"You really are a good son and look at me. Haha! We may look really alike but we're different. You can't do what you want."

"I can't do what I want because I want you to do what you want. Does that makes sense? I want you to be very happy while I'm happy too. We both should be. So do your thing, I'll be here"

"Why are you talking about these things? So dramatic! We should be celebrating you tonight. Cheers in taking over KGMY Corp!"
Nadech liftes his glass and motioned the girls to join him and Mario for Barry.

"You know what Barry, it's such a brave decision to run the company. Your twin brother here is a doctor and you are the future CEO. Look at my men!" teases Mario.
Both Nadech and Barry pulled his ear as a way of teasing him back. Just like the old times.

"Ouch! You punks! Look what I get being the good friend who praised you both. Is that even funny?" Mario gave them a look and hit them both in the head.

"Childish bees" says Yaya and the other girls laughed.

It was a great night. Yeah, almost. As expected, everyone was drunk while Barry took the driver's seat even at how many times Nadech insisted that he'll drive instead of Barry.

They settled the girls at the back, Mario was beside Baifern. Nadech was on the front seat. They took a nap as they felt the effect of the alcohol to their body.

It was a silent drive back home at 12am. Nadech suddenly opened his eyes and talked to Barry.
"Bro, thank you. Thank you for always being there for me. All the scolds, all the punishments, you are protecting me all the time. Even if you know a thing is my fault, you will tell our parents you did it and you'll get scolded instead of me. Even if dad wants us both to handle the business, you insisted you'll do it alone because you know I love my job as a doctor" his eyes are hazy as he remembers.

"Of course. You're my brother. Besides, being in the business world is my passion, so no biggies" he turned to Nadech and pats his shoulders but he didn't realize someone is crossing the street so Nadech shouted, "Be careful!" as Barry avoided the person, there was a truck coming their way and it's too late for him to maneuver.

As Nadech shouted, everyone woke up from the nap, eyes were huge seeing the blinding truck light, fearing for their life gasping for air as the truck drew nearer, realizing whats gonna happen next.

And then everything went black.

Writing the prologue, I wanted a light one but my mind is a traitor 😂

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