Chapter 6

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She knew since the day she tried comforting Yaya for they think she lost Nadech. She was sure she isn’t with Barry. She feels he’s someone else.

He doesn’t call her love for he calls her sunshine. He doesn’t have the mole on his collar, Nadech does. He isn’t allergic to shrimps but Nadech is, so she was surprised one time during dinner that he told him he is allergic to shrimp but she brushed it off.

When she asked him what kind of shirt he likes, he said she can choose for him but Barry knows what he wants. Always. He doesn’t let her choose for him.

All those hospital visits she knew weren’t for her. He used to bring flowers, one for her and one for Yaya and the latter would always throw hers to the bin and he’d see the sadness in his eyes. All those dinner dates he isn’t paying attention to her stories of how her day went and she’d caught him so he’ll ask what she was saying again and she’d tell him its okay.

All those cancelled trips, those ditches, the changes, the way he longs for Yaya she knew it all along. Those nights she cried silently for missing her Barry when she knew she is the one buried there, not Nadech. She knew it all long.

The time he heard him say he’ll break it off with her she isn’t even sure why she was crying. She was hurt and heartbroken after learning Nadech’s pretence but she let him act in front of her.

“It was painful confirming the truth when you have learned it even before. Why Pat? Why did you let him do this to you?” her faint sobs echoing the room as she spoke to herself reminiscing the time when she really knew she cant have her Barry again, she cried on his grave a year ago.

“Hey, Nadech really pulled off a show. Guess you already know. Barry why did you leave me? Now I’m left with Nadech who pretends he is you but I know he’s not. I’m not even sure what to react I am so overwhelmed. I mean, a year ago of not having you but I just knew? I cant touch you anymore, I cant see you anymore.” she continued sobbing.

When she met Nadech that night she pretends she didn’t know, not until she really confirmed it from him today.

It was hard for her but its harder to stay away from Nadech when she has grown feelings for him now. Being with him almost every time, he was there for her every single time though she knew he’s loved someone else. She couldn’t tell him way back that she knew his acting because he wanted him to be with her, so she played the game with him.

He loves the fake Barry now and that’s Nadech.She loved the idea of him being there when her Barry is no longer with her anymore and cant be with her anymore.
She wanted to pretend she still has her Barry by Nadech’s presence.

“This is crazy, I should stop this. He will always love Yaya and he will always see me as his sister. Not more than that” she said reminding herself.

When she learned that Yaya will be working for Nadech he was surprised. That would only mean she will be around him all day. That night she wanted to have a dinner with him but he didn’t show up as he said he was finishing something, but ended up knowing he with Yaya.
The thought of losing Nadech real soon will really break her because she was used to him being there.

When she caught him in the act talking about his pretence in Barry’s grave she decided she’ll let him know that she learned it since long time ago.

“I’ll pretend that you’re still mine even if I know you’re never been mine” 
She called Nadech telling him his secret is still safe with her. 

“Can you still pretend you’re Barry? Can I still call you for dinner? Can you still pretend you care for me even if I know you don’t?


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