Chapter 11

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"I don't think we still need to pretend, Pat"

Nadech's words were a dagger to her heart. That is something she's holding on to just to be with him but now he's breaking the connection.

"Why? Are you gonna tell her now?"

"Not now but soon. She's beginning to question me. She's having hints so I have to fix things before she could even tell me who I am."

"It's seems that your only problem now is how to learn the board now. I mean, they are quite impressed as to how you're managing the company. Its just a matter of "How to let them understand you are not Barry".

"Shut it, Pat. Someone might hear you."

"Apologies, but yeah. If that's what you want, I am letting you go." there was bitterness in her tone but she is slowly accepting the fact that Nadech isn't hers to keep. Never hers.

"I am sorry to disrupt you two, but Barry here are the files you need for tomorrow." Yaya stood there before them handing Nadech documents he will be needing for his meeting. She's looking at him in the eyes, as if nothing had happened to them the other night. She's so calm and he hates it.

He clenched his jaw. "Don't forget you will attend the meeting with me tomorrow, Yaya."

"You don't have to remind me, I know my own schedule. Now if you may excuse me."
She went out coldly and didn't even bother to look at Patricia.

"What's wrong with her again? She's so distant lately, Na."

"You know what Pat, I wasn't able to tell you the night after the Party I must've been so harsh to her and I must've triggered her confusion.

"What do you mean by that? What did you do to Yaya?" even though her bestfriend hates her, she still cares for her.

"Well I got so jealous seeing her dancing with other people while she left me sitting alone so I dragged her outside and kissed her."

"The what?! Are you out of your mind, Nadech?'

"Not just that.."

"Shoot you!"

"I know but let me finish.. I saw her on the beach where I always bring her when she's sad or upset before. I was just there to calm myself but didn't expect to see her there but yeah hell. She's there.."

"And then what?"

"Before I left her in the party after kissing her, she asked me who I am and I just walked away. Now, at the beach she asked me again!" he's breathing heavily as he told Patricia what happened.

"You are crazy, Nadech. What if she's got a clue now? She knows you very well, you understand? You kissing her? Of course she will ask!"

"I know. The reason why I also wanted to let them know there's no us anymore. Just to not complicate things more."

"You know, you're a headache"

"I know I am but thanks for always being here for me, Pat. You're the only person." her heart flutters as he said the words to him.

Pat decided to go after. Nadech really waited for Yaya to go home. He watches her as she fixes her desk and gathered her things on the cctv. These days, he's only able to watch her there as she is so distant. He wanted to go near her but she would avoid him. She talks to him only when working.

The moment she went out of her office, he immediately followed her. Sensing him, she tried closing the elevator as she went in, but he was quick to press open.

They were just silent. He followed her until the parking lot and she was annoyed.

"What do you want?"

So It's You: A NadechYaya FanficWhere stories live. Discover now