Chapter 2

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“I will make Barry fall in love with me? Or play with their relationship? What’s better?” Yaya spoke to herself in the huge mirror as she stared at her beautiful physique.

She’s wearing a white dress that perfectly hugs her curves, a slit that goes into above her thigh. Paired with her black stilettos.

“I will destroy what they have since they first destroyed me.”. Smiling to herself, she pulled the black blazer and her expensive Louis Vuitton bag as she heads out of her room.

Remembering what she told her dad last night. She chuckled while driving to Barry’s office.
“Dad I want to quit being a doctor. I realized, I wanted to get my hands dirty learning what I can contribute into our company.” 
Her statement made her dad froze.
“Yaya, you are so passionate about your profession and I thought you told me that’s your only remembrance of Nadech?” she stilled hearing that.
In her mind, she’s saying she’s doing it for him. For the both of them.

“I’m tired and bored of doing the same thing over and over again. Besides, I cant have him back if I stayed, can I?”

“You can’t just jump to one job to another because you are bored. You can’t succeed.”

“Dad are you forgetting I am a business administration master’s grad. I and Nadech. Don’t under estimate what I am capable of. I’ll give it a try and I wanna start as Barry’s secretary.”

“Why Barry? Why not in our company? Be my secretary then” she sighed at the thought of her plans her dad wanting to ruin.

“I want Barry cause we are of the same age. Besides, we’re their business partners. Im sure uncle Yoshio will be happy that there will be someone knowledgeable helping Barry and their company” she continued persuading her dad.

After having a staring game for minutes, her dad gave in. She always get what she wants being the only daughter and the only heir of the Sperbund Lmtd.
She hugged her dad in delight.

“Thanks Daddy, loveyou”

Now being the unwanted guest in the KGMY Corp, she made her way to Barry’s office. Everyone in the company knows her, well who doesn’t?

The moment she taps the badge, she gracefully walked towards the surprised Barry. The person she thought is Barry.

He made sure he doesn’t look intimidated and uncomfortable by her presence. He’s been pretending for years and he’s been avoiding her. He’s afraid he will just engulf her in a tight hug or might just kiss her passionately if he cant stop himself.

“What are you doing here? You didn’t even inform me you’re coming”

“Hire me as your secretary. I wanted to try something new and.. don’t ever say no because I already informed uncle Yoshio about this and he’s happy. Technically, I don’t need your approval. I just want to let you know. I will start tomorrow and its your duty to walk me through everything” she can’t stop talking as she rounded his table and leaned on it facing him as she flips her hair.

Nadech swallowed an invisible lump on his throat as he watched her raising her brows at him.
She stayed there for awhile making him uncomfortable.
A knock startled Nadech but Yaya seemed unfazed. It was Patricia. They both turned their heads to the door.
Patricia’s eyes widen.

“Did I disturb you both?”
Nadech immediately stood up clearing his throat but before he could say anything, Yaya spoke on his behalf.

“Oh the girlfriend is here. Yes you did. An important discussion but yeah, you’re here anyway so I gotta go. See you tomorrow, Barry” she said giving Patricia a look with a smirk as she made her exit.

Patricias eyes remained at Nadech.
“What is she talking about, Barry?”

“She will be my secretary starting tomorrow. She’ll work with me”

“Wait, what? Why?”

“Why? Is there something wrong if Yaya will work with me?”

“I mean, just because Im surprised as I didn’t know she resigned or something. She is really unpredictable. What is she up to now?”

“It’s okay so I can look after her too” he suddenly blurted out confusing Patricia.

“Why would you need to look after her?

“Uhm, it’s.. it’s because I wanted my brother to know I am taking care of Yaya now that he is gone”

Patricia surely knows there is something wrong. Her Barry is not the same anymore after the accident. He is distant, they weren’t even intimate anymore.
She thought, he’s just mourning for his brother at first but he didn’t go back to the way he’s used to.

She feels like he is a different person but she still loves him anyway. She told herself she will never get tired understanding him. He also becomes forgetful. He forgets their special moments, their special days, anniversaries. He forgets to kiss her goodbye that when she initiates he will avoid her, something that she cant understand.

One time she visited him in his office to surprise him but she overheard Barry and Mario’s conversation. His regrets and most importantly how her heart shattered in pieces as she heard him saying he wanted to end things with her.

She immediately went to the comfort room, crying her heart out. She won’t let him. She even wonders if she isn’t enough or if he really is just  tired of her already so she gave him almost all of her time but it seems that he is not liking it. She has to know if his coldness is because he’s got someone new in his heart and she will not let anyone snatch her Barry.

Yaya on the other hand is very determined to make her plans work. “If I can’t be happy, then neither of us should. I will make sure of that” she threats as she is holding a glass of wine.
“I’m a loner, huh? Wait for it Barry. Wait until I destroy you.” her grip on the glass tightened as a stray tears left her eyes and she smashed the glass on the wall watching as it shattered on the floor.

“Just like that glass, you will be shattered and you will never be the same again. Just as I am not, damn bastard!” she continued crying as she saw the picture she had with Nadech and Barry tearing it in pieces.

“I hate you super damn much, Barry. I wish you were dead but I wish I was too. I wish I was dead with Nadech. I’m alive but I am dead inside. So lets live this life destroying people who are meant to be destroyed.”

She became someone so guarded and she hated almost everyone. She became more confident of herself and she’s bolder but no one dares messing her.

Driving to the cemetery at this hour with just her nightgown and coat. It’s a habit when she missed him or when she’s upset with something, she will visit Nadech’s grave and tell him things she cant tell anyone.

“I miss you every single time and I hate that I can’t do anything about it. I Know you wanted me to live my life happily but I’m sorry I cant be happy when you aren’t here beside me. Why does it have to be you? It’s been three years but I still ask the same question”

She didn’t know every night the real Nadech would come to see her when she’s in their balcony or even just seeing her silhouette when the lights are turned on in her room.
That’s enough for him to know she’s at home. Tonight was different as he was surprised her car went out of the garage and he saw her driving.
He secretly followed her and when he realized where she’s heading, he lets out a huge sigh. “She’s visiting me again”, he tought.

He was observing her silently as she weeps to whom she thought was him.

“I’m sorry I cant let you know for now, baby. But I am happy that you will be with me all the time now. I hope I can share the pain that you’re feeling right now. I hope you will understand me soon.” he murmured to himself as he continued watching her from afar.
Cause that's the only thing he can do. Watch her from afar.

Hi! I hope I'm not confusing you with Barry and Nadech 😁😁
Are you confused? Also I'm experimenting this third person POV. I might write special chaps for the leads' POV too.

So here's Chap 2 that I was able to finish last night but didn't publish 🤣

Tweet me at @writingforny ❤️ and tell me how's this one so far.

So It's You: A NadechYaya FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora