Chapter 1

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“Earth to Barry!” exclaimed Mario. “You are not listening, bro. What’s going on?”

“Mario, what if I didn’t talk to him that night? What if I just slept until we got home? Do you think it’ll make a difference?’

“Barry it’s been.. its been 3 years. We can’t move forward if we continue blaming ourselves or if we continue thinking about what if’s and what could’ve been. It happened and we cant do anything about it anymore. Besides, you’re the one driving that night! What are you saying if you just slept? Silly.”

“Now what you need to focus is our upcoming meeting with the investors and your Patricia who must be tired waiting for you to marry her” he teased.

He let out a sigh. No one will ever understand.
“Patricia. Yeah, I forgot I have to meet her tonight. It’s our anniversary.”

“You punk, then what’s with that face? You should be happy you guys have come this far.”

“What if I tell you I don’t want this anymore? I’ve grown tired of this, of what we are.”

“Don’t say that Barry, Yaya will surely hate you more. You can’t do that to her best friend.”

“I know. Almost everyday since what happened that night, she’s blaming me that she lost Nadech. Every single time she’ll have that scowl and distaste on her face every time I’m near her. She’s even distant to Patricia who’s been persuading her to forgive me.” His eyebrows meet talking to Mario who’s been his partner in everything ever since his brother died.

He is still blaming himself and he can’t blame Yaya either but he can’t let her know. He chose to hurt her in order to make things right, but is he really making things right? He just wanted to return the favour that his brother asked him. He thought, in time he will have her back.

Yes he is really Nadech. The accident changed their lives. Maybe Baifern and Mario are the only exception. Barry died shielding him when he realized they are in danger. Even in that situation he never hesitated to protect him. He even wished it should be him. In a way, he will not live with regrets and all the blaming.
His last words were ringing in Nadech’s ears.
“I wa-a-n-t yy-ou to prr-ot-ect Pa-patricia…
Do-nt be a h-hea-dac-he to Mom and D-dad, h-huh Nadech? P-ro-m-ise m-me” lifting his bloodied head to meet Nadech’s gaze and before he could even nod, they both passed out. Unfortunately, Barry didn’t make it.

Surely, his father almost killed him and almost had a heart attack. The dreams he has for Barry just fade away as he fades in a snap too. He surprised his father when he said he’ll live as Barry and that they’ll declare Nadech dead instead.
“No matter what you do, you will never be Barry you irresponsible crap!” few of his fathers words for him but even so, he is ready to face the consequences. 
“And then what? You will go to the office drunk or waste all of the company's money? I have no hopes”

“Give me 6 months and I’ll show you Dad.” and he made sure he’s true to his words.

He will fulfil his promise to his brother to protect Patricia and his family. He didn’t realize, he’ll lose Yaya in the process. He is too confident when he explained this to her, she’ll understand but before he could even, Yaya was already blaming him. She was under the impression that it was Nadech who died.

Now he’s standing in Barry’s grave after his dinner with Patricia.
“Bro don’t you think it’s time to let them know? I mean everything is stable now it’s just I am still fooling everyone. I want Yaya back so bad” he sat on the ground looking at his epitaph.

“What are you doing here?” he snapped at where the familiar voice came from, it was Yaya.

“This is my brother’s grave I have all the right. Now I’ll ask you back, what are you doing here at night.. alone? Nadech will not gonna be happy about this.”

“Why do you care anyway? It’s not like I need your opinion.” and she rolled her eyes at him.

He stood up and stepped back as she moved forward and gently setting the white roses in the middle of the epitaph. She gently placed her palm on the name written “Nadech Kugimiya” and she suddenly turned to the alive Nadech she never know still existing.

“What are you looking at? Sho away!”

“Didn’t you find someone else? I mean its been years, Yaya.” he still asked even though he is unsure of her answer. That might hurt him but he needs to pry.

“Who are you to question me that? Maybe because for you have forgotten about him that fast. How could you do that? How easy was that for you? Because you and Pat are still together. Only Nadech died! You took him away from me, damn you!” as she said, her tears are streaming down her face.

She hits him in the chest and he lets her. Part of him is rejoicing. She still loves him. She hasn’t replaced him in her heart.

“Don’t be a drama queen. I’ll get going so enjoy your alone time with my brother” he said smirking but little did she know he stayed until she left. He cant stand leaving her alone.

It was a hard situation for Nadech as he can’t let her know just yet and it’s more complicated as Patricia is in the picture. It’s a sacrifice he has to make for his brother.

Yaya and Pat’s relationship hasn’t been okay too. Patricia tried putting the pieces back together but Yaya is too distant to her, to them.
They work in the same hospital, stays in the same office but she let Yaya be.

When she sees Nadech who pretends to be Barry vising Patricia, she will be disgusted. Nadech on the other hand seeing Patricia is his excuse to really see Yaya.

“Will you come with us over dinner? With the gang”

“I don’t want to waste my time to unworthy people. You guys go ahead, I’ll be alright.” Yaya blurted out.

“If you wont, then don’t! Who are you anyway? Let’s go Pat and leave this loner alone”

Yaya stilled at Barry’s words. She surely did hurt them too but she’s more emotional at how he addressed her.

She continued walking to the rooftop and cried more there.
“Nadech why does it have to be you huh? Why do I have to be alone? Why do I have to deal with your damn brother all the time?” she shouted in the air.

Her chest heaves up and down as she continued sobbing looking at the bright city light, alone.

“I’ll show them how I’ll destroy them. I’ll destroy you Barry. I’ll make sure you’ll lose Patricia too and we’ll both be depressed. How’s that?” she aggressively wiped her tears as she let out a playful smirk.

Okay so I made a few changes 😂
I made the first chap the Epilogue and then this one as Chapter 1 ❤️

We're starting.

Tweet me at @writingforny

So It's You: A NadechYaya Fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن