Chapter 5

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Yaya woke up with a terrible headache and she screamed her heart out as she glanced at the clock. It’s already 10 and she’s supposed to work at 8!

“What the hell?!” she blurted out. She stilled as she tried remembering how did she change into her pajama,
how she did she get to her condo and most importantly the last person she was with.

Getting drunk was certainly out of the plan but she got wasted, geez she even passed out. She just really succumbed to her sadness when she heard her favourite song.

“Did he just… oh no no, he can’t. Noooo he can’t.” she 
said, hands on her forehead as she thought of Barry changing her clothes. “I think I changed it myself. I just couldn’t remember. That bastard! He needs to make sure he didn’t do anything last night of I will kill him” her face turned tomato red.

Her phone suddenly rang. He turned to see who called and Barry’s caller ID flashed through the screen.

“I know you will scold me because it’s 10 and I haven’t been in the office. So shut it.”

“Good that you already know! Just because you are the daughter of our business partner, that doesn’t mean you can just come to the office late, MS.SPERBUND”

“I’ve never used my connections to get what I want, Barry. I don’t know about you but yes SIR I am coming so calm your tits!” she rolled her eyes ending the call as she went straight to the bathroom.

Nadech laughed as he imagined how she reacted. He know her so well. 
“She rolled her eyes on me through the phone, I knew it” he’s smiling at the thought of it when his office door opened. It was Patricia.

“You didn’t come last night. You promised” she said as she walked towards him.

“Yeah sorry, I was.. I finished the presentation needed for our new investors it was urgent so I wasn’t able to come. Sorry, love” he looked away as he lied and Patricia stilled.

“Wait, what did you call me?”

“Love. It’s been a while since I called you that. I was used to calling you by your name and you know, Pat is cute” he smiled as he tried matching her gaze.

Patricia remained silent.
“Is there any problem?”

“Hmm? No, there’s nothing. So where’s Yaya?”

He cleared his throat before answering.
“She hasn’t got here yet, late probably”.

Yaya was almost running reaching the elevator.
”I will prove to this bastard that I don’t use connections just to be where I am now. Work? Then okay lets work!” she told herself gritting her teeth because of annoyance.

She was near her office passing by Nadech’s when she heard that Patricia is inside. The door wasn’t really closed so she just went inside.

“Hey, Pat. Morning!” she beamed at her which Patricia was confused.
“Good Morning, Ya. You’re late says Barry” she said jokingly.

“Well apparently I was so drunk last night that my head still hurts though but thanks to Barry for taking me home after dinner!” her mocking eyes went to Nadech.
Patricia’s eyes widen at what she just heard as she turned to Nadech.

His mouth went agape as he realized the situation.
“Well, I ..have to go. I’ve got a lot of paper works to finish”. Yaya exited and lets out a smirk as she knows what’s gonna happen.

“Pat, you see..”

“It’s okay. I guess it’s just right.”

“Pat, I’m sorry”

So It's You: A NadechYaya FanficWhere stories live. Discover now