Chapter 14

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"Coward. You didn't fight for me again. When I push you away, you're pushing yourself away too instead of drawing yourself near me"

I murmured to myself seeing him walking away from me.

here's no point of getting attached to someone who doesn't even have the balls to fight for me. Tears were aggressively streaming down my face.

It's too early, heard the birds chirping and the butterflies flying from flower to flower, the rays of the sun hitting my face. I stayed there for G knows how long until I decided to go somewhere I used to when I'm sad.

I brought flowers. It's more peaceful in cemetery. You can only hear the wind. I put thr flowers at the top of Barry's tomb. Funny how I can still read Nadech as it's what's written there.

Before, whenever I feel so alone or sad or disappointed or angry, I'd be here. It's just Nadech who understands me in everything and I feel comfortable telling him things even if I know he's not gonna be there to answer or to hug me and say it's alright.
That was before, when I thought he's the one resting below the ground. When I was fooled. When I didn't even have the idea that he's still perfectly breathing.

Now I am here for a different reason. I want to apologize to Barry for blaming him and perhaps, say goodbye for I am not going to visit him more often. He was a good friend.

"Hey, Barry. You know it's so awkward now. You heard me cry and I must've told you things you don't want to hear cause it isn't me who you wanted to visit. I'm sorry I didn't really know. I should've realized it sooner. I hope you're happy now, wherever you are. You must be very happy right there.."

"Yes he is, I'm sure of that."

I was startled at the voice in my back. When I turned to see the owner, it was Patricia. She's holding a big bouquet of flowers which is for sure she'll give to Barry. I turned to get my back and attempted to walk away but she spoke.


I stoped in my tracks.

"What do you want?"

"Please don't be angry at Nadech"

"And what do you want me to feel? Happy? Should I celebrate? You don't know anything"

"I know everything that's why I am telling you this"

I snapped my head to her.
"Ah, yeah. I almost forgot you both fooled me"

"You just don't know how hard it is for him! Between his dad who's never been proud of him, his parents and you and then there's Barry. It was hard for him Yaya."

I didn't talk and let her speak. I remained silent.

"The day Barry died, he was miserable because he was blaming himself while his dad was blaming him. The company is at risk, I mean Barry was introduced as the next CEO hoping to save the company from bankruptcy and the board had high hopes on him because of how capable he is. So what will they say if they know about Barry's death? So Nadech came up with that idea to switch places with Barry. He is more than capable too but was just doubted, so he promised his dad to save the company and look at what he did! He didn't just save it he even made it bigger."

My mouth went agape at her revelation.

"I was angry at him too when I learned about his pretence but I listened to him Yaya. I listened to him but you didn't and that's our difference."

"What are you trying to say? That I am heartless?"

"I didn't say that, you did. I should be more angry right? It was my boyfriend who died! Barry's coldness towards me killed me too when I thought Nadech was Barry. He forgets our date nights, he forgets to pick me up because where was he? He is either outside your house wanting to take a glimpse of you, following you everywhere or he's with you as you asked him to accompany him and he'd be very happy. I saw the pain in his eyes everytime you'd throw his gifts in the bin. He can't stop talking about you and thats when I knew, he isn't my Barry."

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