Chapter 10

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I wasn’t able to control myself seeing her boldness tonight. She was drinking and dancing with people, with men, plus what she’s wearing is way too revealing.

“Why do you care anyway? He’s not coming back anymore and it’s all your fault.” Her words were etched in my mind. So she’s doing all of these as she thought I’m gone? I cant imagine herself with another man. I need to do something.

If she lost her love to me for thinking she has lost me then I will make her fall in love with me again. I kissed her and she kissed me back. I am sure she has the slightest idea of who I am but I will make sure she cant find out.

I felt so hot that I even touched her thighs that made her came back to her senses. Fuck, she asked me who I am and the safest thing to do is walk away. I left her there now I’m worried where she is now and if she’s returned home.

Surely Yaya is unstoppable. In everything the she does, she makes sure her moves are calculated. I will never give her another sign that’ll lead her of knowing who I really am. Just for that night.

I drove wherever the wheels would take me and now I’m hearing the waves crashing. Took me to the beach. This is actually nearby, I and Yaya’s favorite place when we wanted to chase the sunset. Tonight, I was only looking at the stars, clenching my jaw. Still in my dress shirt, I folded my pants just below my knees and walked in the sands.

I noticed someone was sitting in the sand in the opposite direction. It was dark and only the light of the moon shining. I walked towards the sitting figure being so  curios. Must be a girl, her earrings sparkled in the moonlight. She must sensed that I am near her that she lifted her face for me to see.

“Yaya? W-what are you doing here?” her brows furrowed, she just gave me a confused look. She slowly stood up facing me. She’s still in her gown, her high heels on her right hand and my coat still on her shoulders.

“I should ask you that. What are you doing here?”

Realization hits me. Fuck it. I responded with a cold tone, “Why? Is this yours? I mean, can’t I be here?”

“How did you know about this place?” she said but didn’t look at me. Her eyes fixed on the dark sea.

“Its not important how I knew about this place though”

“Nadech must’ve told you about this.”

“Why would he tell me? I know about this ever since.”

“I see. Anyway, I need to go. I came here to be alone but it seems that someone unwelcomed is here before me.”

She was about to turn away but I grabbed her hands so she faced me. I then let her hands go back to her side.

“About earlier..”

“What is it about earlier?”

“I-m sorry I kissed you, shouldn’t have done that.”

“Its okay, I kissed you back anyway. Just forget about it its no big deal. I mean, at least for me because I don’t have a boyfriend but as for you..”

“What? How can you say that as if you are so free and didn’t care about Nadech at all?”

“Why would I? I never stopped loving him but I need to move forward. I can kiss anyone and be with anyone I like..” and she moved closer to me and dropped her heels on the sand as she cupped my face, “even you.. I can kiss you again, if you like.. Barry”

“What is wrong with you? You’re not the Yaya that I knew!”

“I don’t want to be that old Yaya who only knows how to cry. Who is weak. Who cares?”

She pressed her body against mine and I was only able to close my eyes. She chuckled and pulled herself away and started talking.

“This is our place. Mine and Nadech’s. Whenever we wanted to see the sunset, we’ll get here. It was I who told him about this place so I’s surprised that you know. Oh, am I? No.. not really. Not surprised.”

I was confused at the way she plays with words and I stayed silent.

“Will you tell me who you are? Or do you want me to tell you who you are?”

My heart pummelled as she asked me that. Am I busted? Then she turned her teary eyes to me.

“Are you going to tell me? Barry? Nadech? Who are you!? And why are you confusing me?”

“I am not someone you thought I am.”

“Then why are you giving me all these feelings?”

“Why? Are you falling in love with me, Yaya?” she just trembled right there, letting out painful sobs.

“I am not Nadech. What feelings? Why are you confused? You are just missing him so you think I am him!”

“I didn’t give you any feelings. You! It’s you who’re thinking something malicious, Yaya.”

“How dare you?” she spats at me. She cried harder.

“Then why did you kiss me? What was that? That’s how Nadech would kiss me. The forehead kiss, the h--”

“Because you’re attractive tonight! I just cant help it, so I kissed you. Any man can be like that.” Damn I don’t want to say these things to her but I cant tell her the truth yet.

She raised her right hand and slapped me. It was painful but nothing is more painful than what we’re both feeling right now. Much more her’s.

“You’re pervert! Pervert! Damn you, bastard!” she’s hitting my arms and chest, but I just let her. I remained expressionless.

“You wanted to kiss me right? You find me attractive right? You wanted me so bad right?” as she said these words she aggressively kissed me I wasn’t able to gasp for air, here we are ravishing, devouring each other’s lips. Tongues entwined.

I pushed her body to mine, I was holding her as if she’s the most delicate. Her hands messing my hair. I cupped her mounds that made her moan but I covered her lips with mine.

I kissed her harder but more passionate. I noticed her tears aggressively falling down her face that made me slow down. I slowly pulled myself away looking at her face. So beautiful yet she’s crying, eyes still closed.

She sobbed hard and I found myself wiping her tears away.

“Get your hands off me, Barry. I don’t need your apology or your pity.”

“You’re not Nadech, really. Nadech wont do these shits to me. Nadech wont do anything that will hurt me. Nadech wont disrespect me like this. Yes, you’re not him and you will never be him.” she grabbed her heels on the sand as she turned away from me.

I didn’t have the courage to run after her. She left me dumbfounded. I just felt a hot liquid flowing from my eyes as I watch her retreating back.

“I love you so much..”


This chapter I didn't plan to end like this but I was suddenly sad and you know, my writing got affected 😂🙏🏻

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