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He wont die that easily.....

He chuckled and held my hands...

Chimchim: "I dont know him yet"

He took off his shirt and revealed his well build body YET so ruined...

Tears made their way to my must have hurt him the soo much..His body looked so ruined, There were bruises and cuts everywhere. Dried blood on his skin looked soo ugly. He slowly turned so i could look at his back.
I gasped as his back looked much worst..there were big straight purple lines on his back...the marks looked old but it still have hurt a lot...It looked like his body was beaten everyday...I dont know how he tolerated the pain till now.

I burst into tears not able to control them anymore...He turned and looked at me worried...when he understood he quickly put his shirt back and cupped my face..

Chimchim: "Shhh Y/n...i am used to this...dont cry"

*I wiped my tears*

Y/n: "Jimin did this?"

He hummed in response. I felt disappointed and i dont know why....why i felt like i didnt wanted Jimin to do this................But why??

Y/n: "But why??"

Chimchim: "when he wans to punish me, he beats his body and let me take control of the body so i can feel the pain..."

Y/n: "His body???"

Chimchim: "Yes...even though this is my body, i sometimes get confused...cause he is the one being dominant over my body"

But why i fell like something is wrong, Like Chimchim missed out no no..why i am defending that heartless Jimin...I should feel pity for Chimchim...He went through too much.
Chimchim is a sweet person..but Jimin...he is a monster..god please save Chimchim...please save us

i came back to my senses when Chimchim tapped my shoulder..

Chimchim: "There is someone in the basement."

Y/n: "Huh?"

Chimchim: "He brought another one tooo"

I was the thought there is someone else in here...

Y/n: "WHO?!?!"

Jimin: "Your friend Dr.Susy"

I gulped hard when he said that...his voice was deep and scary..i looked up at him and he smiled sweetly..i backed away in fear cause i knew he was back...Jimin was back...

Jimin: "Hi babygirl"

My throat felt dry every second...because of his intense glare, which was hard to identify whether his glare was cool or extremely angry..his expressions were the same everytime...

*My breath hitched*

*Jimin came closer and carresed my cheeks*

Jimin: "Why you looking were comfortable with that little boy.."

Y/n: "hmm....l-let me go.."

I was avoiding his gaze...i wish i could hid myself under a stone...he was scary...
I just cant handle him..he is way more different than Chimchim...Total different personality...I mentally face palmed myself when i felt that Jimin was getting for my answer..

Jimin: "My eyes are up here babygirl.."

His voice gave me goosebumps...But i gathered all my courage and looked up straight in his eyes and asked him...

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