474 13 22

Y/N  P.O.V

I sat on the couch thinking about my further actions on how to make Jimin fall into my revenge trap.

Its been a month since Jimin brought us to this quiet modern house. Yeah.It was because even Chimchim have no idea where he brought us.

All i know is , he brought me here when i was sleeping. This house is placed in the middle of forest and i got no opportunity to seek help from anyone.
I dont know whether he brought this house or killed the owner and took over this place. Its not surprising even if he did.
Because this monster dont know the value of life.....

Never mind, KARMA is a BITCH.. he will receive whatever he had done in double amount....and i will make sure he does...

Through out this month i always tried to act nice towards him.
I cleaned the house, cooked for him, did the laundary and almost became an unpaid maid....but i have to do this, this is the only way to gain his trust...
I should be quick because , i have to punish him before Namjoon come and saves would be too late if Namjoon found me.
What will happen if Namjoon find me?

Ofcourse he will bring me with him...and make sure to put Jimin and Chimchim under control....

This is intense because Chimchim is in his last treatment which means Jimin will soon disappear from Chimchim's body.

If he disappear then how will i seek revenge for my friend and the dead ones....

So i have to be quick....So far i have showed him my FAKE LOVE very genuinely  and i think he believed me....

Even Chimchim said he could feel his heart felt so happy and warm nowadays...all this time he never felt like this before...he always felt tensed because mostly Jimin controled his heart..

This means i am winning right!!

Jimin is slowly falling for my trap...
I was soo engrossed in my thoughts without realising the presence beside me.

Jimin: "About what my babygirl is thinking soo hard?"

*i was startled*

Y/n: "It's nothing Jimin-ah.."

Jimin: "Really??"

Y/n: "Ofcourse...why would i lie?" *pout*

he chuckled before pulling me to his lap.

I effortlessly sat on his lap....he firmly grabbed my waist to keep my balance...we both looked in each others eyes.
He softly smile which made his eyes disappear...he looked soo cute~~
This man is seriously a bipolar...How can someone be heartless and adorable at the same time...

Chimchim is also kind...but his smile failed to make me flatter like .....Jimin's smile does....

I am so confused right now.

It is because apart from being happy because he is falling into my trap...I felt weird...about can he be still clueless about my actions?.....

Somehow my heart wants him to realise that i am tricking him...I dont want him to get hurt but i want him to feel the pain.

Aish...why i am like this???

Yes, i have feelings for this monster who destroyed many people's life....However i cant help it...but fall for him more...i think i am missing something...i feel like he is not wrong... i can keep filling him with fake love...Its because of Chimchim...he keeps telling me that its a that i go on a right path..

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