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Running through the deep forest, I stumbled upon the tree roots. My body covered with blood as I tightly held my silver dagger in my hands...I harshly landed on the ground as my legs are paining after all the running I did..I slowly crawled towards a tree and leaned on it and examined my precious dagger..

A creepy smile made its way to my face when I realized...that I...sent the two Policemen to hell...

I laughed..maniacly..

Taehyung: "Stupid brats...thought they can capture me..that easily.."

I laughed and laughed and winced..Oh! I forgot that i also have cuts and bruises...from the fighting and running..

I pulled my sleeves up to examine the cut, Jimin gave me..

However, I stopped doing everything, when a low and desperate cry was heard...I immediately stood..Totally alarmed..Raising my dagger infront of me, protectively..I looked find the source of voice..

Taehyung: "Who is there! yourself!"

No replies.

Instead i heard the sound of leaves being cracked..

I took slow and alarmed steps...towards whatever or whoever was there...

Suddenly...Out of nowhere..a hand grabbed my hand..Instincts kicked in and I pointed my dagger toward them, twisting their hand in the process...

But..I was shocked..

Shocked to see this state..

Taehyung: "JIMIN!?"

He was looking terrible..drenched in his own blood. Two red and deep hole could be seen from his shirt..He was shot?...

His face was also covered in blood..

I put my gaurds down...

He slowly looked at me with teary eyes..

Jimin: "P-please...."

I tilted my head..

Jimin: "I-i..n-need her.."

Even in the dark forest...i was able to see him gulp..he was trying..he was trying hard..

Jimin: "I-i l-live..p-please."

I just stood there lazily..

Taehyung: "Why?..why should I help you?..Dont forget, that we fancy the same woman..Lets are already, I just have to deal with Namjoon.."

Jimin: "I LOVE HER!!"

He screamed at the top of his lungs and then caughed blood...I looked at his desperate state and felt something...Raising my eyebrows, I asked some questions..

Taehyung: "She left you to die..and you still want her?"

Jimin: "s-she would...n-never..d-do t-that...My l-love..w-"

Taehyung: "Whatever..cut the crap. You should be thankful, that I dont have the mood to kill anyone."

I slowly sat near him..and tore a piece of my shirt..and tied it around his wounds. 

I carefully picked him up putting his arm around my shoulder and I kept my hand on his waist..for balance. And slowly made our way to another hideout as the first was one discovered by the police..

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