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Jimin: "Did You miss me baby girl...."

Y/n P.O.V

My eyes widened and almost popped out. He looked soo deadly mad.My body just froze there not wanting to move even an inch. I looked at him in fear.

His deadly gaze was soo strong that it made me go numb and i unwillingly stayed on the bed infront of him.

*He smirked at my pathetic state.*

Jimin: "Why baby girl???.....You looked soo tired. Aren't you happy to see me? huh?"

I couldn't answer him. Cold sweat started forming on my forehead. He asked me many questions but i couldnt answer any of them..i Just couldn't..But however i managed to speak.

Y/n: "Jimin...i-i need to g-go.."

*i gulped hardly*

His eyes getting darker and dangerous.

Jimin: "You didnt answerd me baby girl."

He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear to get the better view of my face.Seeing fear in my eyes made him satisfied.He looks like a hungry wolf eyeing his sweet prey.
My breath hitched. I ma at the verge of having panic attack. It's just i couldn't fight him back. Jimin's eyes terrifying me and also....CALMING???

Jimin grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer, Our nose touched. he looked deep inside my soul.My chest moved up and down. I could feel my legs trembling.

Jimin: "Baby girl lets play a bloody's been a while since i haven't played with someone."

Y/n: "Stop it! I am not someone whom you can play with."

*He smirked*

Jimin:  "I like your brave and fiesty attitude baby girl. But dont raise your voice ....It's turning me on."

*He licks his lips.*

I looked at him disgustedly. while his eyes are busy eyeing me up and down shamelessly.I turned my face to the wall as i dont want to see his face.

His eyes got darker. he grabbed my chin and forcefully made me face him..his grip on my chin got tighter leaving red marks. I hissed in pain.

Y/n: "J-jimin let go of m-my chin it's h-hurting."

*He smirked cynically*

Jimin: "Oh baby girl you look like a whole meal when you are in nope i wont stop."
*He tightened his grip even more*

Y/n: "A-ah...J-jimin...stop i-it..."

Jimin: "Ha ha ha...people are so and chimchim."

*He harshly let go of my chin*

Y/n: "YES...WE PEOPLE ARE SO PATHETIC...SO WHAT??.....we are pathetic because we care about the people around us and we dont hurt them..but You??.....How can you even???"

Jimin: "Yes baby's very satisfying to see someone covered in blood. you dont know how much pleasure i get when i see someone begging for their life."

I looked at him in pure disgust. I just cant accept his point of view. But then....something about him hit me..which made me come back to reality.

Jimin is a patient here. I am supposed to help him..but i am getting angry at him...How can i forgot i am a doctor?

I looked at him. He looked confused as my gaze became soft and calm. I gulped hard.

Y/n: "Jimin....I know you are here for some reason...and i will help you."

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