Chapter 23: The Anthem

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After discovering Alfea's music hall, Musa opens the Music Cafe, hoping that the instruments could protect them from the witches. But when Rumpelstilskin steals Musa's voice, the Squadd follow him into the Legendarium World in order to get her voice back and restore hope. 

"The voice of a fairy is just so fine, but now it's mine!" Rumpelstilskin laughed.

"My spell didn't work!" Hajari gasped.

"Come on! There is no way Rumpelstilskin can stand up to our convergence power," said Willow. 

"Right! Everyone!" Hajari said as he throws his wand in the air and it spins around clockwise and horizontally. 

Everyone stands beside Hajari and copies his movements. 

"Mythix Convergence!" Hajari said as a dash of rainbow light comes out of the Squadd's wands. 

As the spectrum shoots towards the dwarf man, a barrier sounds him, leaving Rumpelstilskin to giggle and laugh. The barrier turns into a wave and blows the Squadd back. 

"Silly silly fairies, try as you will never beat me."

"Our magic doesn't work at all," said Michael.

"We can't give up!" Hajari cheered.

"Right! We have never lost to any of the Trix Monsters. We are not aboutta start now," said Willow.

"The Trix and I do not work as one. I am in it alone. I make my own fun," said Rumpelstilskin.

"In that case, maybe we could reason with him," said Hajari.

"Now you're talking. You are thinking with your head. Let's strike a deal and put this thing to bed."

"Hajari, I don't think this is a good idea," said Michael.

"How do we know he's not just going to trick us again?" WIllow clenched her fists. 

"We need Musa's voice back. She's our friend. We have to help her. What other choice do we have?" Hajari said. Hajari floats down to Rumpelstilskin. Hajari turns to the Squadd. "Not to mention, we need the power of her voice to protect Alfea."

"You poor little kids. Just trying to help your friend. I am willing to negotiate and that will be the end," said Rumpelstilskin.

"For real?" Hajari smiled.

Hajarianna chuckles. "Oh, I love getting what I want!" 

"But then again, this voice is quite valuable might I say. I will need something as precious as it before I...give it away," said Rumpelstilskin. 

"But you stole her-" Hajari whined.

Michael stops Hajari by grabbing his arm. "If that is the only way to get Musa's voice back, then I say that is what we will do."

"Come on, follow me please," Rumpelstilskin walks to his house and the fairies follow.  "I will need something valuable, something rare like you see over there." The man gestures towards the relics on top of his rock cairns. 

"Hm...I know what we can give him, but if we do, what are our chances?" Hajari contemplated to himself. 

"I'm sure you have something that you can give away. Something that you can give me within the next day," said Rumpelstilskin.

"We don't have anything as delicate as these relics," Kajari pointed out.

"We except for the Legendarium Key," Hajarianna waved her finger.

"Hajarianna!" Hajari growled and put his finger to his mouth and the Squadd copies.

"Yes yes yes! Your key is what I must say!" Rumpelstilskin jumped up and down and grabs Hajarianna's hand. The seal of the Legendarium is what you must hand my way." 

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