Chapter 21: A Monster Crush

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For her last act as queen, Hajarianna hosted a feast that was interrupted by a beast named Gargantua, a ravenous monster who attempted to devour everything in the castle. But in the end, the Squadd were able to defeat him. Now, they must turn their attention to their next goal: locating Cloudtower. 

At Alfea, the Squadd are in the library trying to figure out which book might contain the information for a spell to make Cloudtower visible again. Hajarianna is sweating and out of breath, skimming through large amounts of floating books carried by the gust of fairy dust. The Squadd stand there staring as their friend searches every nook and cranny of the spellbook. 

"Nada, zip, zilch!" Hajarianna stomps her foot. "There's nothing here that tells us how to make Cloudtower visible again!" 

Hajari nervously smiles, waving his arms. "It's ok, Hajarianna." 

"There's that book that Kajari found in the Solarian Library," said Nicholas.

"And I've already spoken to Tecna, who's working to find us a techno-magic solution," Kajari said. 

"But we can't just wait for something..." Hajarianna started but stops when a magazine floats up to her. "Ooh, daring yet restraint. I like it!" Hajarianna throws the paper across the room. "Next!" Hajarianna walks up to three floating books. "I just can't stand the thought of those witches one-upping us!" Hajarianna tosses each book and she skims through it. "One would think a book about invisibility spells would exist but no." 

All the books start spinning around the Squadd. 

"Watch out!" Nicholas said as he grabs Kajari by the arm and they drop the floor on their fronts. 

"The books are out of control!" Willow cried. 

"Run!" Musa cried. 

All of the Squadd, except Hajari, run around the room as books take the mind of canines and chase the Squadd around. 

"Hajarianna, you're making the books angry!" Hajari said. 

Hajarianna turns around. "Oh! You're right. I didn't mean to make them so upset! Sorry!" Hajarianna snaps her fingers. "Sunlight Stillness!" Hajarianna said, calming the books down and they all return to their floating positions. 

"Squadd, I found a way to locate Cloudtower!" Tecna said as she walked into the room. 

Kajari approaches his girlfriend and smiles. "Go on."

"We need to use a Spectrographic Localizer." 

"Of course! Why didn't I think of that!?"

"What is a spectrographic localizer?" asked Michael. 

"A spectrographic localizer is a device that can locate any object invisible to the human eye," said Kajari. 

"There's just one minor issue: we need to find one," said Tecna. "And I have no idea where to start looking."

"I bet my grandparents would know. They build all types of technological apparatuses," said Kajari. Kajari then softens his tone towards Tecna. "Plus it would give you the chance to meet the people who took me in and raised me." 

"Grandparents?" Tecna gulped. 

"Don't worry. I've calculated your chances of approval and it's sixty-eight percent and rising," Kajari shrugged. 

"Let's do it!" Tecna got encouraged.

Hajarianna grabs Kajari by his shoulder. "Uh uh uh! Not so fast!" 

"Oh dear," Kajari nervously giggled. 

The Squadd travel to Hajarianna's room.

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