Chapter 14: Mythix

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Hajari revealed another key clue to finding Fairy Godmother Magnolia; one that is linked to Hajari's childhood spent playing in the Forest of Flowers. When the Squadd arrived at the forest they met Magnolia, but were interrupted by another one of Marinette and Adrian's menacing attacks brought forth from the Legendarium.

"Mom, Dad, I want you to meet Magnolia, the fairy godmother," Hajari said, walking into the living room with the Squadd and Magnolia. 

Magnolia smiles wearing a large, floppy hair with pink roses circling around it. "Oh, how auspicious! It is certainly wonderful to meet Hajari's mother, today of all days."

The Squadd look at each other, each one raising an eyebrow. Willow shrugs her shoulders as Hajari looks at her.

Hajari places his pointer on his chin. "Yes. Sunday is a good day to meet my parents," Hajari said with a shaky voice. 

Tia smirks, giving Hajari a grin as if he should know what special day is it in the month of May. 

"Now now. I may not hail from these parts, but I've lived on Earth long enough to know about Mother's Day," Magnolia laughs.

All of the Squadd gasp. 

"Oh," Hajari laughs, hugging his mother. "Happy Mothers Day, Mom!" Hajari then leans closer and whispers. "Sorry, Mom."

The mother and son detach. 

"Don't worry about it, dear," Tia said. 

Magnolia takes her hat off, bows, and flips it upside down, sticking her hand into it. "For you, Tia!" Magnolia hands Tia a cactus with a human face in the center of it. 

The cactus takes its prickly arms and wipes its nose. Tia takes the plant from Magnolia. 

"Nice to meet you," the plant says.

"Oh," Tia said stunned. "It's a...very unique plant."

"It is delightful, isn't it? Oh this is a magical plant! It requires special care and attention!" 

"Special care and attention, huh?" Tia said, placing her pointer on her chin and looking to the side. Tia turns to the Pixies, who are floating above her and Charlie's head. "Pixies, think you can handle it?" 

"Of course!" Chatson said, as he takes the plant and all the other Pixies surround him. 

Hajari walks towards the Squadd. "Well that was an odd choice for a gift," Hajari whispered and laughs. 

Hajarianna walks forward. "Mother's Day happens to be the best day to show off my new Spring Collection!" Hajarianna casts a spell and her clothes change into a orange, ruffled dress that gets light by each ruffle until it is white and has sunflowers here and there, going diagonal down the dress. 

Willow sneezes from the Hajarianna's flowers on the dress. Kajari sneezes next. Charlie is about to sneeze until Tia pinches his nose. Hajarianna casts a spell quickly and changes her clothes back into the ones she had before. Everyone looks up and sees pink dust fly around.

"The pollen. It's still circulating," said Kajari. 

Michael walks into the center of everyone. "I've got this! Breeze Blast!" Michael waves his palm in the air and a winter breeze blows around, making everyone cold, but it gets rid of the pollen. 

"Musa, Kajari, you're next," Hajarianna smiles and the Squadd all angrily glare at her. 

The Squadd and Magnolia go into Hajari's room. Hajari, Michael, and Hajarianna sit on the bed while Musa, Kajari, and Willow sit onto the floor. Magnolia stands in front of them with papers floating around her. 

Squadd Bunch 6: Hajarix and MythixWhere stories live. Discover now