Chapter 17: The Curse of Fearwood

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The Squadd, Specialists, and Paladins have finally put a stop to the invading Zombie Pirates. Hajari, using his Friendship Flame, releasing Dragon Flame Magic onto the villagers, giving them the ability to fight alongside them, but the Squadd will not celebrate for long if the Trix can help it. 

At Alfea, the sky is tinted gold with a hints of pink clouds in the sky. The sun shinning and rising over the mountain barriers that protect the college from outside dangers. The light from the illuminating star in the bright morning sky gives the Dark Forest trees a luminescent glow, glistening over the lake of Rochaluce. 

Michael and Flora are in the corridors of Alfea Castle chatting and talking about their feelings and plants. 

"Flora, I have something to show you," Michael said. 

"You've been keeping me guessing that's for sure," Flora replied.

The couple stop and stare at each other. Michael grins and Flora frowns. The two are standing before a green gate with a golden symbol of a tree engraved on it. 

"The Alfea Greenhouse!" Michael cheered. 

"Miguelito, what if we get caught?" Flora panicked.

Michael chuckles, covering his mouth with one hand and waving the other, creating particles of golden fairy dust flowing from his palm to the gate. The gate disappears. "By who? I'm the greenhouse caretaker now." 

The couple walk through the gate. 

"Oh I can't wait for you to see it!" Michael cheered. Michael gestures his hand to the front as Flora looks around and sees marvelous trees and vines wrapped onto the bark of the trees.

Purple bell-shaped flowers hang from the ends of the vines while pink, red, golden, and white roses bed the floor in a pattern of themselves segregated by their colours. 

"You were right! This place is incredible!" said Flora. 

"I'm determined to restore it to the way it was!" Michael takes his girlfriend deeper into the greenhouse. He shows her a vine. "Remember the vines from the Dominican Republic? Well, I just couldn't resist bringing one back for the greenhouse!" 

The vine lays onto Michael's palms. The plant palpates itself onto Michael's hands. "They are so sensitive and in touch with human emotions," said Michael. 

A groups of kids walk into the greenhouse. 

"Hi, Michael. We're here for the tour," a girl waved.

Michael places his hand on Flora's shoulder. "I totally forgot about the tour! Could you please take care of her for me?" Michael then walks away and waves to the group of freshmen waiting him. 

"Uh, Michael?" Flora said softly. The boy did not leave her with any instructions on how to give to tend to the plant. Flora rubs her long light-brown hair reflecting the color of her skin. "I am not exactly sure what to do!" 

Michael turns around and points to two spray bottles on the table; one with a stamp of leaves on it and the other has an image of water drops on the stamps. "She must be refreshed with that! Then, spray her with some Green Tea Extract." Michael then waves at Flora. "I'll be right back." Michael and the students walk away.

Flora scratches her head. Then, she grabs both bottles. "Uh wait a minute! This or this?" Flora said, raising both the materials. Flora approaches the vines. She sprays some of the water at the plant and it ducks. "Hey! Don't be scared. It's just water. All you need is one little spray." Flora continues to try and spray the vines, but it will not bring itself to be touched by someone who is not the fairy of Nature. "Hm maybe you'd prefer the Green Tea Extract." The vines wrap around Flora's waist and lift her up from the ground. "Hey! Put me down! It was just Green Tea!" Flora cried.

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