Facing Kacchan

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Izuku headed back to the school grounds, and is on his way to the training grounds when he sees a familiar figure back facing him.

"Hmm? Kacchan, what are you doing out here, this late?"

"Damn nerd, fight me."

"Huh? What are you saying, Kacchan--"

"I said FIGHT ME!"

Izuku shook, did Bakugo really ask him to fight?

Izuku puts on his buckle, and pulled out the transform card.

"I guess you already knew, Kacchan..."

"Of course I would know, you couldn't hide it forever, idiot!"



After transforming, Deku puts on a fighting stance as he faces Bakugo, who cracked his knuckles.

"Let's go, damn nerd!"


Izuku puts a card into the reader, and he moved in double speed, dodging Bakugo's charge making him miss, blowing up the air in front of him.

And without warning, Bakugo was sent flying by two hits from nowhere. It turns out that Izuku had used Iida's quirk to double his speed into that of a high speed engine.

"TIME OUT" The buckle's AI said, and Izuku returned into normal speed.

"So that quirk card has a time limit..." Izuku said to himself, as the card reappears inside the book.

He takes another card and inserted it into the reader.

"Now let's try this."


Bakugo noticed that he uses a card that had Momo's portrait on it, and quickly moved towards Izuku ready to blast him away before he makes a shield, but...


And Izuku shot Bakugo out of his tracks, sending him back to the ground, holding the gunshot wound.

"Are... Are you alright?"


In an instant, Bakugo's wounds heal up, and he looked up to Izuku before standing up and walking away angrily, not being able to land a single hit to the person who he thought is useless ruins his pride.

The next day, Aizawa would give them their next training. One team is to defuse some sort of fake nuke while the other act as villains to defend it.

In order to join the training, Izuku's mother Inko made him a handmade costume, one that looked nearly similar to the costume which Izuku transformed into. However this set lacks the large white bracers, and uses a normal red belt.

Izuku is teamed with Uraraka, although he blushed nervously when Uraraka came up to him and happily announced that they're in the same team.

During the training, Izuku would encounter Bakugo again.

The both of them fought, although Izuku avoided using his card not wanting the rest of the class to know his secret yet.

"Why didn't you transform, idiot!?"

"We are being watched!"

"I don't care about that, damn nerd! Just use one card! ONE.CARD!"

"Alright then..." Izuku sighed, before he threw a smoke bomb he had crafted at home to the floor, before taking the card.

He transformed into his other costume, and inserted another card as Bakugo dashed forwards.


Then Izuku vanished from sight, making Bakugo look around for him, only for him to receive a chop in the back of the neck, by Izuku who undid his transformation just in time as the smoke ceased.

"Sorry, I couldn't... I couldn't risk it, Kacchan!"

"Damn Nerd.... Don't belittle me!"

He stood up, and prepared to blast Izuku into next week.

A powerful explosion fills the hall, however when the smokes fade, it turns out that Izuku caught Bakugo's arm, and the blast only damaged his costume.

"Detroit smash...!" Izuku then uppercuts Bakugo, sending him up, and destroying multiple floors in the process.

And in Izuku's vision he sees both Uraraka and Iida falling down from the great height. Having no other choice, he quickly transformed back, and used his card.


The engine boost increases his speed as he appears to be running up on the walls, grabbing both Iida and Uraraka, putting them to safety, before going towards the fake nuke, and securing it.

Afterwards he remembered that Bakugo is still hanging on the ceiling, his head buried through the hard surface, and he tries to get himself off until he uses his quirk to blow the ceiling causing him to fall down. Izuku, Iida and Uraraka caught him, cushioning his fall.

They took Bakugo to the infirmary, along with Izuku himself to get his arm fixed from using Detroit smash.

However despite all this...

"You'd think I would have some sort of respect towards you, you're just damn lucky, damn Deku...!"

He muttered on the infirmary bed, scaring Uraraka and Izuku as he said those words in a cryptic tone.

The teachers who were watching their progress were surprised at Izuku being able to save everyone within a minute's notice.

One of them, an adult woman with dark hair licked her lips looking at Izuku's exposed face as his mask crumbles.

- To Be Continued

Quirk Ruler Deku : A Boku no Hero Academia Fanfiction (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now