Izumi Invades, Part 2

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A few markings carved themselves around Toga's neck and face.


Toga then puts the device onto the buckle, as pieces of shattered glass then spreads from the device, giving her a dark scarf with a pair of black fang like curves, an iron pauldron on her left shoulder, a reinforced greave bound by chains on her right leg, while the other is bare, only covered with black stockings except for the knee which had an iron pad.

"She can transform as well!?" Ochako exclaimed.

Izumi just made a small giggle, as Toga walked over to the Quirk Sniper standing smugly.

The both of them engaged in a fist fight, although the fear of Izumi still lingered in Toga's mind. No matter how hard she tries, she is never able to hit Izumi in the chest, which is wounded by herself many months ago just to make a weak spot.

Toga launches a punch, which was caught by Izumi, who then judo flipped her to the back. Toga landed on her feet, and took out a blue vial from her belt before attaching it to the top of the belt buckle.


Her costume then changed. Her iron left pauldron turned into a blue leather one, and the red armor on her torso turned into blue. The bat wing shaped hair accessories also turned into blue in color.

The capsule unattached itself from the buckle, before enlarging itself to form a curved blade.

Toga then swings the blade on Izumi, who just deflected the attacks using her bare right hand, but it wasn't until she was kicked by Toga, which stuns her, and slashed multiple times on the right shoulder.

Toga then took another vial, this one is green in color, and attached it onto the top of the belt buckle.


This time, the pauldron and chest piece turned green in color, alongside the hair accessories.

The blade shrunk down, and morphed into a small flintlock shaped handgun with a wide barrel.

Toga pulls the trigger rapidly as she ran towards Izumi, which caused the handgun to fire multiple balls of water bullets. However, Izumi effortlessly caught all of them in her grasp, as Toga then pulled out a final vial and attached it onto the buckle.


now the armor pieces and hair accessories turn into purple in color, and the gun enlarged itself again, this time forming a huge hammer, with the head of the hammer shaped like a fist. Toga swings it down at Izumi, who caught the shaft just before the head of the hammer hits her.

"You are still too weak, Toga-Chan~"

Izumi said, before she yanked the hammer over, causing Toga to be sent flying towards a tree which then fell due to the impact with the hammer's head.

Toga's armor then went back into red in color, her pauldron returned into being an iron one, and her hair accessories returned into yellow in color.

This leaves the remaining three students of UA to face Izumi. Deku is already transformed, so he just pulled out an attack card.

"Henshin!" Nejire shouted, card in hand.



Nejire slid the card into the buckle, and then three silhouettes spin around before fusing with her, transforming her into her instant costume.

As for Ochako, she puts the transformation gear onto the buckle.

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