Provisional License Exam, Part 2

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In the middle of the exam, somewhere far from Deku, Todoroki had passed the exam, after he tagged some students from Seijin High, who were literally clad in ninja costumes.

Meanwhile, a team consisting of Momo, Jirou, Tsuyu and Mezo Shoji, a 1-A student who has the power to duplicate his arms.

They were inside a dark room, next to another where they heard conversations coming from inside. Jirou tried to eavesdrop but failed as the group inside is playing loud music, which hurt Jirou's ears.

Outside the building is a focused Ochako, who managed to hold her own against some students of Shiketsu High, until Mina came by to relief her.

Ochako then fled, towards the building where Momo and the others were. Before going inside, she remembered the wrist watch that Izuku gave to her.

She put it on, and pressed the button once.


Back inside, Jirou used her quirk on a stereo which Momo conjured to blast a loud noise which stunned everyone in the next room. They went inside afterwards, intending to tag the contestants in order to pass.

However one of them turned out to be conscious, and trapped Momo inside before the horror is spread across the team's faces. The opposing team is merely playing possum.

The lead girl, who has a long light hair and wearing a monocle, of the opposing team introduced herself as Saiko Intelli. She explained to them how her quirk makes it easy to trap Momo and her team because it enhanced her IQ after drinking tea.

It was then when suddenly something whizzed through, knocking out the opposing team, leaving behind Φ symbols as they hit the ground. Intelli was the one who got hit the last, as she felt a heavy blow onto her torso, she looked down to see a knuckle duster which resembled a digital camera being used to hit her.

She looked at her assailant, which is Ochako, but her yellow visor turned red, and her body armor of her suit spreads out, exposing an engine like structure beneath it.



Intelli knelt down, as the gear then said "REFORMATION". Ochako's armor then went back into it's normal place. Ochako detached the phone cover off the knuckle duster, putting it back onto the belt buckle, before folding back the knuckle duster to put it back in it's slot on the left hip. She then flicked her right wrist due to the fatigue from the punch earlier.


"They're all yours." Ochako said sternly before leaving.

They have never seen or heard Ochako being that confident before. It's as if she is a whole different person inside that costume.

Somewhere else Kaminari, Kirishima and Bakugo are searching for examinees to eliminate until Kirishima noticed a strange projectile launching towards Bakugo. He pushed the pomeranian away, as he let himself get hit.

The projectile engulfed Kirishima, and distorted his whole body until it looked like a meatball.

They looked at the person responsible, and instantly knew him as one of the Shiketsu High School students, Seiji Shishikura. He begins to spew out his superiority, angering Bakugo as Seiji fired more projectiles.

Bakugo countered with his Auto Cannon attack, only to realize that he and Kaminari are flanked. One of the projectiles hit Bakugo's back, turning him into a meatball.

However Kaminari, having received a gear upgrade from Hatsume as well pointed his right arm at Seiji, before shooting him with a concentrated surge of electricity until he is knocked out cold from electrocution. The upgraded gear has a purpose, so that Kaminari won't harm his team accidentally when in combat.

Back at Deku, he is still fighting the nude Camie who kept on being even in a hand-to-hand fight. It was until suddenly a red light flowed through the ground until it hits Camie's feet. The red light then raised up to form a red cylinder which trapped Camie, making her float up as if her weight is removed and there is no gravity.

"Her zone of gravity... Ochako!"

Deku turned around to see Ochako running while holding a glowing red baton with black handle in hand, her eyes visible behind the translucent yellow visor. Deku could swear that she had a glare as sharp as a dagger set on Camie as she passed him, and she struck the baton at Camie, slashing her twice to form a circle, and making one vertical slash to finish the job.


"Tch... Not again..." Muttered Camie as she fell down to her feet, and she walked off, not wanting to fail the exam.

Ochako knelt down, as she felt her fatigue bearing her down.

"Are you alright!?"

"I... It's fine, Deku-Kun! It's fine..."

Deku then brought her over to another area where they find Sero fending off some examinees by himself. They took him, and brought him over behind some rocks, and they made their strategy.

Ochako is still able to levitate objects in her current costume, although she couldn't float herself. Sero attached tapes onto some large rocks that have been devoid of weight.

The trap was sprung as the examinees try to find them. They managed to render them immobile from the trap, and they end up passed after they tagged the examinees.

They walked over to wait for the second exam as Ochako began to stagger even more from exhaustion. Deku caught her as her transformation undid itself, returning her to being in her school uniform.

Deku puts Ochako down on a bench, before heading off to find a vending machine. He doesn't mind the fact that he didn't undo his transformation, as he could blow his cover if he did so.

At the vending machine, he inserted a coin and pressed on button. After 5 seconds of waiting, he hits the machine, causing not two, but instead 3 cans of canned tea to go out.

"Huh... Who am I gonna share this with...?"

As he walked back with the cans in hand, he sees a girl who is wearing a monocle, sitting down on a bench. She looked rather stressed, could she be one of the examinees that failed?

Deku stood in front of the girl, and handed her one of the cans.

"Who are you? What do you want with me?"

"Here's for you." Said Deku.


"You look rather stressed."

"Why do you care anyway...?"

"Because, isn't it what a hero should do when somebody looked like they are in dismay?"

The girl shook. She then took the can slowly, and thanked Deku. She opened the can, and when she looked up, she asked "Wait, who are--"

But Deku had vanished. Behind the can, is a taped note.

The girl, Intelli, then looked around as she stood up from the bench. Something about the hero just now just sparked something in her heart.

'Just a Passing Through Hero, Remember that.' Is what is written on the note, along with a symbol that resembled his mask.

The last people from UA that passed were Mina, Yuuga, and Tenya, although Mina looked a little sad since she couldn't fight alongside Deku.

- To Be Continued

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